Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Bookstore Romance Chapter 3 and 4

Chapter 3

Kevin awakened early the next morning, not that he really wanted to- he just thought that he should work a little bit more on unpacking, and he should probably go to the store to pick up essentials.  He didn’t even have milk in the house.  Although he would never admit it; he kind of hoped to see the girl from across the street.  Her blinds were closed.  Upstairs, he could barely see a form doing something-he couldn’t tell but he was pretty sure it was her.  He didn’t see her when she left the house to go to work.  He worked at unpacking most of the day.  He didn't see the girl from across the street at all that day and ended up realizing how disappointed he was at that. He didn't really want to feel that way. After all he didn't even know her. He didn't even know her name or whether she was shy or outgoing. He figured she was the shy type- and then cursed himself for caring enough to make that assumption. He didn't want to be in a relationship right now. Chances were they wouldn't even see each other except when they were getting the mail or mowing the lawn.But something told him that he was going to see her often. He wasn't sure how he felt about that since he still wasn't in a relationship place...but he liked the idea of seeing the lovely brunette often. 


Hailey had worked her shift and was pretty tired, but stopped by the bookstore anyway.  Caleb rolled his eyes and said in a  sarcastic voice, "Do I seriously need to see you every day?"

"Only when you have my copy of Oliver Twist, first edition from London..."

"Shoot. I Do have that." he looked behind him in a fabric bin where he kept books for her- everyone else got a plain old shelf, but Hailey spent so much time and money there that he went to Target and bought a damask-patterned bin just for her. It was very nice of him. He took the book out for her and since she had already paid, he just gave her a paper bag with PAID in big red letters.  He printed her a receipt too to prove she paid. He knew anyone who knew Hailey McKay would know that she would never steal... But the last thing he wanted was anyone to accuse her of it. That would damage her and set her therapy back a year or two. Hailey was special. She was someone who was like a cup of strong coffee that always had the perfect amount of sugar and cream.  What that really meant was that Hailey was very tough to get to know. She was so sensitive and had been treated crappily by her peers for being smarter or maybe a little peculiar... People saw that she was smarter than them and were intimidated by her. The worst part was that they were too stupid to know that that's the reason they hated her so they treated her like she had a scarlet letter on her.  And they did awful things to her- he was a few years older than her but he recalled a time when she got shoved into her locker at school. Sometimes the mean kids would step on the back of her shoes so she'd drop her books all over the steps and then they'd step on her stuff... One time, several kids stepped on her on purpose. So Hailey was afraid to go to school for a month.  But of course she knew the taunting would only get worse if she cut class. So in the end she really had to go to school and face the mocking. But it changed her... She put a brave face on but the moment when she got home she was up to her room with tears in her eyes and all over her face. She would cry herself to sleep at night and one day, she suffered a nervous breakdown and they transferred her to Spiresville High. The funny thing was that her old school was a private school and she had been put there to keep her from being picked on. She ended up graduating with high honors-  being valedictorian. She didn't really want the attention but she knew she deserved it after working so hard. Hailey got into a prestigious summer program at Yale which she excelled at. She got accepted to UC and did very well. She got excellent grades and went to the top of her class - beat out by one girl... She was cheered on by her parents at both graduations. It was one of the first times she felt loved by them.

And she could have gotten into Harvard or Princeton if she wanted - but she was done with school. There was something utterly wonderful about knowing that you no longer were tied to school. She could read the books that. SHE wanted and she didn't have to write reports and essays about subjects she could really care less about.  She had begun bull- crapped  many of those things. But she was really smart and knew about a lot of things and knew how to make it seem like she  cared.  Luckily her professors thought her reports were wonderful.  She smiled as she put the book in her brown leather messenger bag and walked to the Bluebird Diner where she was going to order some take-out and go home to eat and read her new book. She had finished the Poe book today. She hoped that her next book would be on her doorstep  in an Amazon.com box.  When she walked into the diner, the waitresses all smiled at her.  They were always nice to her when she came in- which she appreciated since she was hard to get to know and she knew it.  Donna, the head waitress tilted her head when Hailey walked up to the counter to order. "Do you want your usual?"

"Yes, please- to go."

"Alright, missy... Not in the mood to socialize?"

"You know me too well."

"Well you look awful cute today to eat dinner alone."

Hailey blushed, looking down at her rose-colored halter dress and cute off-white ballet flats and off-white cardigan sweater she'd put on to take the chill off. 

Donna smiled at Hailey's reaction. "I'm teasing you, honey. You have no idea how cute you look, do you?"

"I never really thought about it."

"Well, love - maybe you should."

Then Donna called Hailey's usual order back to the kitchen staff - "One Hailey McKay special to go."

Hailey smiled as she got out her money in exact change.

And when she left the diner, she thought about what Donna had said. Lately - as part of her ongoing therapy - Hailey had been doing things that made her uneasy - like talking to people and going to restaurants more often - joining more clubs. She had also been dressing more womanly and less -'Angry-at-the-world-and- I- hate- everyone '. Hailey still didn't want attention - and didn't realize her attire was so attractive.  She was apparently impressing people with her new look and she hadn't even known it.  There was something about that that made her really happy.  She tried to be effortless with her wardrobe- so as not to be vain- or call too much attention to herself- but she was enjoying the new look, and she felt really good about the way she looked. 


The thing about Hailey was that she always played down her assets; she always thought that she wasn’t much to see when everyone else attested to the contrary.  But actually, her appearance had never been praised until recently. She always felt like an ugly duckling because there was a time when she was way too lanky, had a totally flat chest, no curves at all, and of course, the glasses and braces that most kids have to deal with- and of course, the curse of acne… But now, the acne didn’t plague her anymore, she had gotten the braces off ages ago, and most of the time, she wore contacts.  Hailey used to be made fun of because she was so long and skinny.  But now, with the coming of womanhood, she had a few nice curves and she no longer felt like someone had stretched her out of proportion.  When she got home, she put on Easy A and ate her hamburger and fries with a Dr. Pepper from the fridge.  And after cleaning up, she paid some bills online and then got her book out.  Now, she was reading the last book she had bought on vacation with her family a few months ago.  She had left it in her sister’s car and Rebecca had just found it a week or so again.  It was going to be an easy read, but it was all about where they had gone on vacation.  Just as she thought, she finished it in no time- and she knew she’s get too into whatever she started next and then she’d never go to sleep.  She had work the next day, so that wouldn’t be good at all. 

So, she shook the wireless mouse on her computer to get it to wake up, and she started working on her weekly blog, not knowing if anyone actually read it.  Then, she got out one of her notebooks that she had started writing a story in, and typed the thing in its entirety- which of course, was only what she had completed of the story, but still, she had the first two chapters done, which was a good start.  And she logged onto her Figment account to upload her latest story. A few years ago, the very thought of uploading something that she had written onto the computer- to the world wide web where just anyone could read it would have been unheard of- but now, she liked to believe that she had come a long way.  She had found a lot of new online friends that way- which made up for the fact that in her real life, she didn’t have any except her sister- who kind of had to be her friend because they were related- and Caleb, who she saw every day…  Actually, everyone online was more than kind.  They had told her many times that she inspired them.  Hailey didn’t think previously that she could inspire- or even please anyone with her writing. But apparently, she was wrong. 

That night was the first night in a long time that she hadn’t fallen asleep with a book splayed across her tummy and her reading glasses slid down her nose…  But she slept somewhat fitfully even though she was tired.  And the morning came way too soon for comfort.


Kevin Townsend went to the local coffee shop to get a cappuccino and decided, after sipping the drink, that it was the best coffee he had ever had.  I like this town. When a waitress came over and asked if he wanted a refill, he said, “Oh, yes please! This is great.  I feel like Special Agent Dale Cooper coming to Twin Peaks to solve the Laura Palmer case.”

               “I don’t really follow, but that’s ok… I’ll fill your cup anyway.” She poured and left.

He sighed a little because he thought what he said was funny, but obviously, she was too young to know of the show Twin Peaks- actually, he was too- but he liked to dig up old programs and old movies.  It gave him something to talk about if nothing else.  Just when he thought he had totally made the reference in vain, he heard the waitress asking another patron, if they knew what Twin Peaks was.  Whoever it was laughed and Kevin could tell it was a female from the sound.  “It’s a show, Kendra… An old 90s show… Creepy crime drama about this sleepy town near the Canadian border where this chick, Laura Palmer gets murdered and there’s a lot of bizarre stuff that happens that is found out when Laura Palmer is offed…”

               “Dale Cooper?”

               “The F.B.I. agent who helps local Sherriff Truman solve the crime.”

               “What would that have to do with coffee?” Kendra raised an eyebrow.

               “The Double R Diner in Twin Peaks- serves what Agent Cooper says is ‘a damn fine cup of coffee’… And they also serve awesome pie…”

               “I’ll look it up.”

               “Do… But if you’re scared easily, I’d watch it with the lights on and someone with you… I had to watch it with my sister.”

               “Alright… I’ll remember that.  Thanks.”

               “You’re welcome.  I’m a nerd- it’s what I live for.”

Before Kevin could even catch a glimpse of the lady, she had put on a hat that shielded her face, and walked out onto the sidewalk.


Hailey McKay was glad that The Coffee Bean was close to her house and was on her way to work- it made things so much more convenient.  She had to admit that she was a bit of a coffee freak.  It had already been an interesting morning, and she was glad that she was going to the movies tonight with Rebecca.  They weren’t seeing anything special, they were just going to go, but none-the-less it would be fun.  Now, it wasn’t normal to go to the movies on a Monday night, but Hailey’s sister had been so busy with homework lately- so they hadn’t had much time together.  Tonight was the only night they could both do it. 

At the movies that night, Rebecca asked if there was anything new going on.  “Well, someone new moved in across the street from me- you know- that blue one with the pretty porch that Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove lived in…”

               “Oh yeah, that place was so charming… Did you meet the newcomer?”

               “Nope.  I’m trying to avoid whoever it is… I hate meeting new people… And what if it’s a snotty city woman who doesn’t want to be in this town? She could take out her frustration on me… I moved here because it’s so sleepy and Mayberry-esque… Or what if it’s a hot guy who thinks I’m the Bride of Frankenstein?  I don’t think I could take too much of that.”

               “Well, you’re going to see them eventually, Hailey…”

               “I know!” She sighed- exasperated. 

               “You really hate people.”

               “That’s not new.”

               “Yeah, well…” Rebecca chuckled, sipping her Mountain Dew even though it was after 10 pm and she had school the next day. 

               “Oh, you’ll never believe what someone asked me today…”




Chapter 4

Hailey arrived at the bookstore in plenty of time for the book signing.  She was always extremely punctual.  She remembered back in the day when her mother used to drive her to school- she used to throw a fit if her mom took too long putting on her coat, or woke up too late or something.  “I don’t want to be late!” she’d exclaim.

Her mother finally got the hint and made sure she was always as punctual as her young daughter… If no other reason than just that she was sick of hearing the exasperated comments every other morning. 

When Hailey got there, Caleb was glad to see her.  “You’re here early as always!  I’m so glad.”

               “More to do than you thought?”

               “As always.”  He chuckled.


Kevin wouldn’t have even thought to go to the bookstore.  He read books for a living- he was an editor, so he spent most of his work days reading, so he really didn’t want to read when he got home- but actually, he hadn’t read anything in a long time because he hadn’t been at work and had been moving- so he hadn’t been exposed to books lately.  He had nothing else to do, so he headed off to the local bookstore. He thought that the name of the bookstore was charming The Bookworm… He hadn’t found anything so ‘cute’ for lack of a better word in the town he had lived before.  So he decided that the book signing would be something he could do for an evening. 

When he got there, he found that the music was delightful and there was food and champagne- something he had never encountered where he lived before.  He noticed that there was even a waitress serving food and drinks. 


There was something very familiar about the girl serving refreshments at the book signing. Kevin hadn’t really even been interested, but he still hadn’t unpacked all his stuff and life was a little boring. He couldn’t just spend another night doing nothing, which was pretty much what he had been doing since he was in his new place.  He hadn’t even been to the office yet because the position didn’t even officially open up until the beginning of November- which was still a few days away.  He read all day at work and wasn’t relishing anything to do with books or reading, but since there was nothing else to do and that girl across the street hadn’t been home much- he was left with nothing to even gaze out the window at.  He realized how pathetic that sounded and cursed himself- just like he cursed himself for caring about the girl in the first place.  Maybe he could put her out of his mind now that he saw this pretty little waitress.  He could tell that she wasn’t usually a waitress, that she was just doing this to help out and figured that she was a friend of the owner or something and that was the reason she was doing this.  She was a cute little brunette with blue eyes- an oval face- which her hair framed perfectly.  She had her hair up a little, and was wearing a cute-yet sexy little black dress with some red pumps that looked expensive- and lipstick in the same color.  He wondered how girls did that.

Kevin noticed that while the girl was friendly- she didn’t jump into any conversations and she seemed extremely shy.  He watched her from across the room and he found her utterly stunning.   He knew that he didn’t know her, and he knew that she was working- he didn’t even know if he’d see her again or if this was just a one-time thing.  But there was something about her that he couldn’t resist.  He couldn’t help himself- he found her attractive and he didn’t want to leave without at least talking to her.  The worst that could happen is that she could tell him to “Get lost” but somehow, he didn’t see that.  He realized now that he was staring at her and realized how creepy he must look, but it was her job tonight to serve- so when she came over, she asked if he needed a refill on his drink. “No, I’m good, Princess.”

               “Ok, well, since you don’t need anything, I’m going to go.”  She turned away and started to walk back into the crowd but then she whipped around and she raised an eyebrow.  “Did you call me ‘Princess’? Why would you do that?!”

               “I called you a pet name because I wanted to talk to you and I wanted you to whip around and confront my pet name.  I thought that was a good place to start.  So far, its working- I’m talking to you.”

               “You’re trying awfully hard.”

               “Maybe so- but you’ve said more to me in these two minutes that you’ve said to anyone this whole night.”

               “You’re forcing me- but ok point taken.”

She was a cute young thing.  She was tall and slender with just enough curves to be womanly and warm.  She walked with grace and poise- she may have gone to some kind of boarding school or charm school or she could be a dancer of some kind.  She had a look that just oozed intelligence and he guessed that she was in this bookstore a lot. 

               “Can I go now?” She looked like she was about a step away from begging.  He felt a little stab at that because he really liked this girl and she acted like she didn’t want anything to do with him.

               “No.  You’re not leaving until you tell me your name, Princess.”

               “Fine.  I’ll bite.  I’m Hailey- McKay.”

               “Thank you, your Worshipfulness” He did his best Han Solo here and she rolled her eyes, but he saw a hint of a smile on her face. 

               “Do you have a name, Mr. Han-Solo- Impression?”

               “Glad you finally asked Kevin Townsend.”

               “I’ve never seen you before.”

               “I’m new.”

               “And one of the first things you choose to do is come to a book-signing and harass the waitress?”

               “Only because there was nothing else to do- well the first part anyway The Second part- I didn’t COME here to harass you, but I saw you and couldn’t resist chatting you up.”

               “I don’t see why.”

               “No, it looks like you don’t.”

               “What does that mean?!” Her cheeks were flushing more than she cared to admit. 

               “You’re shy.”

               “You’re a pest.”

               “You’re a little hot-head.  I like that.  You could be very vibrant if you’d give yourself a chance.”

               “You don’t know me.”

               “No- But damn it, I’d like to!”

               “Whatever for?!” She was exasperated.

               “You’re so modest!  But seriously- you’re gorgeous and you have a look about you that is delightful.  You look so smart- and it’s tempting that you’re so shy.  I want to find a way to get past those walls you’ve put up Plus- you knew I was referencing Star Wars That’s sexy.”

               “Well, I don’t know about all that crap you were saying before, but Star Wars is a good movie.   I’ve seen it many times…” and she blushed. “I’m a nerd.”  She admitted.

               “Well, you’re really cute though.”

               “Because I like Star Wars or because you think I’m attractive?”

               “Both- but mostly the latter.”

Hailey’s cheeks got hot at that because no one had really ever considered her pretty or sexy before.  And the weird thing was that this guy really had no reason to be complimenting her.  They didn’t even know each other and this was the first time they had even spoken, so it wasn’t like he had been pining for her or something. 

She knew she should be flattered, but somehow, she was unsure of how to react.  She wasn’t used to this kind of attention- especially from someone as attractive as Kevin… Oh lord, he’s hot! He was tall and obviously kept himself up.  He had short brown hair and hazel eyes, and was nicely dressed in grey dress pants and a dark blue sweater- cut very stylishly with a lighter blue dress shirt underneath.  Why was he interested in her anyhow?! Maybe it was the dress… 

She blurted out, “Are you trying to pick me up…?  If you are, then please stop… I’m not some random girl who’s easy and will just go home with the first guy who says she’s pretty.”


Kevin almost choked on the champagne he had sipped before she started her speech.  “Wow!  Of all the things for you to take from that- you think I’m trying to hook up with you?”

               “Well, are you?  I thought that’s what new guys in town do- they scope out the girls upon arrival to stave off boredom of the small town…”

               “You read a lot, don’t you?”

               “This is a bookstore, is it not?”

               “Well, that doesn’t mean you’re here ALL the time.”

               “I have my own shelf behind the counter.”

               “Well then- I guess that’s why you’re here- serving food and drinks.”

               “Yeah… but you never answered my question.”

He was hoping she’d forget about that, but he suddenly got the feeling that Hailey McKay didn’t forget anything.

               “Princess, I’m not easy either.  Do you want to know a secret- I’ve never been with a woman that way… And I sure as hell am not going to expect a girl I just met to come home with me… Let me tell you something; I graduated college with high honors- I didn’t party- I actually applied to Harvard and Yale and Princeton- just to see if I could get in, and I got accepted to every one!  I just didn’t feel like living that far away, so I went to Miami University in Oxford.  I’m not an ass! I just think you’re pretty, and I’d like to have a conversation with you- and I don’t know- be friends… I don’t know why you’re so untrusting.”

That was something she hadn’t expected- not in the least.  She had to fumble for a response- “Sorry, um- I guess that was crappy of me… I’m sorry- this is why I don’t talk to people… I’m not good at it.”

               “You are, you’re just not a people person and I’m forcing you to be a Chatty Cathy making you feel awkward… Something happened that made you not trust people.  You don’t have to tell me- I know we don’t know each other that well- hell, we just met- but please don’t assume I just want you for a booty call… I’m not like that.  And when I say that- I don’t want you to think I don’t think you’re alluring- because any fool with half a brain who can keep one eye open should be able to see that… I just don’t want to be a man slut- and I respect women in general… My ex was a battle-ax, but I don’t think you are, princess.”

               “Wow, you really don’t like her.”

               “Well, she was one of those girls that my mother warned me against- with painted lips and painted cheeks- a real live wicked city woman; but in my stupidity- I didn’t listen and let the bitch walk all over me… Let’s just say when I called her on it; she got madder than a hornet. 

Needless to say, it didn’t end well.”

               “I’m sorry.”

               “Do you always apologize for things that aren’t your fault, princess?”

               “Too much than I care to admit.”

               “Well, stop it.  You’ll give yourself a nose bleed.”

               “Ok, you just quoted The Rear Window, I Love Lucy, and Titanic… I’ve obviously misjudged you.”

               “You’re quick.  Ever seen Twin Peaks?”

               The owls are not what they seem.” She quoted.

               “You’re amazing, Hailey.  I’ve never met a girl who likes Twin Peaks!”

               “Those other girls don’t know what they’re missing.”

               “No, they sure don’t. You know- you’re gorgeous…”

She blushed considerably and Kevin laughed a little.  “What?! Haven’t you ever been told how beautiful you are?”

               “No. I was voted Most Likely to Succeed and no one really talked to me. To them, I was the annoying smart girl.”

               “Well, I think they were mistaken, in not giving you accolades when you deserved them, and I really think they missed something by not talking to you.”

               “Well, I can’t say that I really wanted to talk to anyone anyway.” She shrugged.

               “Guys were gravely mistaken about you too.  You should have been asked out dozens of times.”

               “Well, we don’t always get what we want, do we?” She smiled. 

               “You mean no one has ever asked you out before? Ever?!”

She was surprised that he genuinely seemed shocked.  It was like he knew something that everyone else didn’t. 

               “Not once.  I was too smart and mature for all the guys in my high school, and in college too- and of course, I spent most of the time studying and I didn’t really get out much… Plus, I mostly wore black and wore lots of eyeliner… People thought I was some kind of freak and decided that they should stay away from me.”

               “Did you wear black because of all the things that had happened to you- your personal rebellion against the world?”

               “Pretty much.”

               “Do guys make you uncomfortable?”

               “For the most part…”

               “Well, you’re talking to me, so I don’t feel too bad.”

               “You’re right.”

He wanted to ask her out right then, but as much as he wanted to, she looked over and saw that a few people were going to need refills on their drinks- so she said quietly, “I still have to serve.”

And she disappeared into the crowd.  He didn’t see her for the rest of the night.

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