Friday, November 15, 2013

Changed: A Star Wars short story

Star Wars:

By::: Cindy R. Miller



Anakin Skywalker had been through a lot in his 23 years.  He had been a slave on the remote planet of Tatooine.  He was brought; by Qui-Gon Jinn to the Temple because the man thought Anakin could be THE CHOSEN ONE of Jedi prophesy.  Anakin wasnt so sure that he believed he was, at least at first.  But over the years, Anakin realized that Qui-Gon had been right.  One of the things that always sort of plagued Anakin was that he had to leave his mother, Shmi when he was 9 years old, and worse, that he had to leave her a slave.  He also was plagued by the fact that Qui-Gon had been killed by the Sith apprentice, Darth Maul on Naboo.  And then, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon’s Padawan began training him instead.  Anakin liked Obi-Wan a fair amount, but knew that the man didn’t choose him as a Padawan, Qui-Gon wanted Kenobi to train him.  It was his dying wish, and so Obi-Wan felt he had no choice.  Over the next few years however, Anakin had developed a friendship and bond with Obi-Wan, and even though he hadn’t chosen Anakin back then, he chose him now. And since Anakin had become a Knight, during the Clone War, and Obi-Wan had become a Master, they were more like pals, or brothers instead of teacher and student.  Anakin liked that.  Of course, Anakin had his secrets from his former master, and that bothered him… He hadn’t shared that he had killed the Tusken Raiders when they killed his mom.  He also hadn’t shared that he was in love with Padmé Amidala and they were married.  Of course, he was afraid to tell him that in fear that Obi-Wan would get mad, tell the Council, and Anakin would be cast out of the Order in disgrace.  But now, on this mission to rescue the Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine, he had no idea what lie ahead of him.




Obi-Wan Kenobi had always known that there was something going on between Anakin and Padmé.  It wasn’t a secret.  It especially wasn’t as much of a secret as they thought it was.  Now, obi-Wan admitted that he didn’t know exactly how far their relationship went, but he, at the very least, knew that Padmé and Anakin were in love with each other and that they were involved in some kind of romantic relationship. He figured they were intimates, actually, he knew they were.  Even though the relationship was against The Code of the Jedi, Obi-Wan couldn’t be too mad at Anakin for going against that rule; especially when he was with Padmé. She was an ally and a friend to the Jedi.  And he actually hoped, for morality’s sake, that they weren’t just fooling around.  He hoped they were married.  He really did. The funny thing was that he was fine with Anakin being married.  He just wished his former apprentice would tell him that he was. 


But right now, they had a mission to take care of.  When they found their way into the Invisible Hand, they looked for the Chancellor.  When they got to him, they sensed Count Dooku in the Force.

 Obi-Wan could always tell when Anakin sensed the Sith lord, because he would grimace and hold his arm where the man had cut it 3 years before.  It was a sight that grieved Obi-Wan, though he never said anything. 

They decided that it was probably a trap and decided to spring it. 


The Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, Palpatine, was really Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith.  He was behind everything.  He had started the war and kept it going.  He had influenced the Senate to vote him all kinds of Emergency powers.  He had meetings with Anakin Skywalker and tried to subtlety suggest notions of grandeur and build Anakin’s ego while trying to get him to doubt the Jedi Order.  So far, it seemed to be working, and a lot of that had to do with the fact that they Jedi had never been too keen on having Anakin be trained.  They ostracized him and made him feel unwanted.  And even when he did something utterly commendable, they still managed to find the one thing he did wrong and make a big deal out of it.  Palpatine had endless patience.  He spent a lot of time lying in wait so that he could pounce and make his move.  This was one such moment…

He knew of the Jedi prophesy, of course: The Chosen One bringing balance to The Force.  But, it never said that The Chosen One had to be a Jedi.  Still, he decided to let Anakin be trained as a Jedi, and just lead him astray.  Of course, like most evil people, he didn’t consider it “leading him astray” he considered it “doing what should be done”.  He was now planning his darkest deed.  He had a test, which would seal the deal once and for all.  Once Anakin passed this test, he would be deemed ready to be the new Sith apprentice.  If he passed this test, Palpatine would finally sink his teeth into the situation and put his most evil work into play; acting fast to finally do what he had waited so long to do.  He wanted to turn the Republic into an Empire, and rule it with terror.  No longer would he have to hide what he really was.  He would finally have his revenge and would be able to kill all those wretched Jedi- all because of Anakin!  The boy was fast, smart, and strong.  He was angry and sad, the perfect pair.   The boy could help him conquer his enemies!  It would be simply delightful! And if Anakin passed this test, Palpatine knew how to sink his hooks into the lad; he was going to send a dream to Anakin, making him fear that his wife, Senator Amidala, was going to die, and thus, Anakin would try desperately to save her (as was his typical M.O.), and fall into his trap.  He could then tell him the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise, Palpatine’s own master. That would surely get Anakin to want the power of the Dark Side.   This was worth having himself captured. Totally worth it.

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