Friday, November 15, 2013

Getting There: A Pitch Perfect Story

Getting There

A Pitch Perfect tale

Chapter 1

The air was hot and sticky.  It was stifling in the car since the air conditioning had decided to only work half-way and they were forced to turn it off and open the windows.  Now, the car was stuck in traffic.  Beca’s legs stuck to the leather seats which gave her an overall feeling of ew.  But beside her in the driver’s seat, her boyfriend, Jesse didn’t seem to mind the heat-just the traffic.  Patience wasn’t something that either of them excelled in.  Jesse sat there hitting his hand on the steering wheel, in time with Foreigner’s Cold As Ice.  The power of suggestion gave her a moment of relief from the icky heat.  She found herself studying the way he looked. He was gorgeous.  Her breath caught a little and it was about that time when he realized she was staring at him.  He didn’t look mad, in fact, he smiled. “What, babe?”

She sighed. Babe  It seemed so absurd and something so out of her comfort zone.  She was always someone who pushed people away- which had almost cost her this great guy next to her, calling her babe.  How things had changed in such a short time.  Since she hadn’t answered, he said, with a cocky tone of sarcasm, “I bet you’re just dying to stay in this traffic for another hour or two.”

               “Fat chance.  It’s like an oven.”

               “Yeah, it isn’t very comfortable- but you still didn’t answer my question.”

               “That’s right.  I didn’t.” She looked down, not really at anything, and then looked back up, into his eyes.  “I was just thinking that you were gorgeous… that’s why I was staring.”

He actually blushed, tried to hide that fact, and leaned across the car to kiss her.  “You’re gorgeous yourself, Beca.  There’s no one I’d rather be stranded with on the high way.”

               “Ditto.  Man, I wish it would die down- I’m hungry!  I haven’t eaten since 10 AM… It’s nearly 6 PM now.”

               “I’m with you there.”

Beca and Jesse had decided to take a road trip during their summer vacation, and really, they just wanted to be alone.  There was always some sort of interruption that caused them not to get to spend as much time with each other as they would have liked.  It now seemed amazing to Beca that they had known each other for almost a year, but they really hadn’t been dating that long.  They had gotten together about a month ago after the National Acapella Competition.  The end of the school year had come sooner than either of them thought. 

Now, the traffic started to move and Jesse sighed relief. 

               “Thank God! I was starting to worry, and I’m starting to really get hungry.”

               “Me too. You know, you’re not very patient.”

               “I know.”

               “Neither am I to be honest.”

               “You hide it well.  I know I tend to act a bit crazy when I haven’t eaten in  eight hours, and when my clothes are plastered to my body by my own sweat and I feel like even three showers wouldn’t clear the grime. I look horrible.”

               “Ew… I guess one would feel antsy if that happened.  But, don’t you worry, you’re still beautiful.”

She wasn’t used to sincere compliments.  She blushed, which was embarrassing for her because she didn’t like people to see her vulnerable.  She didn’t like anyone to see her when she wasn’t on top of her game.  She had always had trouble with that.  Jesse knew this, she knew and when he saw her blush, he said in a sweet voice, filled with sincerity; “People should have been telling you how gorgeous you are from the day you were born.  People should have been letting you know how awesome, spirited and funny you are! You shouldn’t have to doubt your worth-because you’re worth more than anything in a store.  You are so unique and I love everything about you.”

Her breath caught, and she kissed him.  “Thank you.  You’re so good to me.  You’re always honest with me, and you always fill me with the confidence I never had.”

               “You always seemed so sure of yourself to me.” He drove a few feet.

               “It was an act.  I play the tough girl.  I really do.  But the truth is-that’s all a lie.  I never thought I was overly pretty.  I didn’t think much of my voice.  And I didn’t think I was all that worth loving.  That’s why it got so easy to push people away… It was easier not to trust than to risk getting hurt. But, you think I’m everything I never thought I was.”
               “Yes, I do.” He smiled and drove another few feet, finally able to get into the exit lane. And then, he got a mischievous look on his face, “You know-“ he pulled onto the exit and drove down to the impending stop light, stopping.  “I know that we haven’t been going out that long, in all actuality- but um… my parents want to meet you… They invited you to dinner.” At the end, he looked like he thought she might be mad. 

               “Sure, that’s not a problem. I’d like to meet them too.”

               “You don’t understand…”

               “I should meet them.  Do you not want me to meet them? Am I not the kind of girl they’d like or something..?”

               “Chill, Beca.  All I meant was that my parents go a little overboard.  You’re the first girl I’ve ever gone out with.  You’re the only girl I’ve really ever been interested in. They’re crazy-excited and they’re practically booking a chapel and naming our babies.”

Beca laughed.

               “I’m serious.”

               “I know… That’s why it’s funny.  Did you think I’d be mad about them being that excited?”

               “I don’t know.  Maybe a little.”

               “Well, I’m not.  Don’t you worry.”

               “You seem awfully calm about my parents pushing us down the aisle before they’ve even met you.”

               “I don’t know… It just doesn’t bother me.  I think it’s sweet, and actually, I already love your parents-just because of that.”

               “Are you ok  with all this?”

               “Yeah.  I was taken aback at first because I wasn’t freaked out, and I wasn’t mad.  I mean, you’re right- we haven’t been going out that long… Marriage seems so big and intimidating-especially when we’re 19. But, if you’re the one I’m walking down the aisle to, I can tell you, I’m not scared at all. That fact scared me more than the actual thing.”

               “Wow.  You’re really surprising me right now.”

               “I’m surprising myself to be honest.”

               “You know what, I’m not scared either.”

They shared a dreamy look that would probably be sickening to anyone watching-which luckily, there wasn’t.                

               “So, where should we eat?” Jesse asked.  There was a strip of fast food places, and a few nice restaurants. 

               “How about that Burger Palace? It looks good.”

               “Alright.  That’s where I’ll pull in.  I like a girl who knows what she wants.”

               “Take it easy, weirdo, you’re already getting lucky tonight-you don’t need to suck up.”

She was joking, but he didn’t get that at first and took a breath as if unsure of how to respond.

               “S-sorry… I’ll shut up.”

She put a hand on his shoulder.  “Jesse, I was kidding.  You’re fine.”

               “Oh…” He looked so relieved.  “I guess I’m just over-sensitive.”

               “Well, I can’t say that I blame you- I mean- that one night, I WAS awful to you.  I’m STILL embarrassed about that night.  I’m glad that you forgave me for that, and I’m sorry that sometimes my humor is a lot like Old Beca-jaded and distrustful of guys and people in general.”

He pulled in the parking lot and he said, “Beca, I’m always truthful with you.  No games.  I know who you are, and I respect that.  I know where you came from, and I know that you have come a long way since I met you… You learned a lot of lessons… I’ll try not to be so sensitive about what happened before.  I know that we’ve both progressed since then, and I think that it needed to happen to get us where we are today.  If it hadn’t happened, we never would have lasted more than a few weeks.  I think that- not only did you need to be without me for a while- to realize what you had before- to miss me… And I needed to know how much you were hurting inside.  I also needed to be firm with you because I didn’t want to be just someone to hang out with when you have nothing better to do.  I cared about you- and a part of me always thought that I didn’t mean half as much to you as you meant to me…That hurt- so I told you to go away the first time you apologized-because I felt that you missed the point… and that you didn’t really miss me-you just didn’t want me to be mad at you… I know now that it wasn’t true. I know that you cared about me-you just hadn’t realized how much- and you hadn’t figured out the right words to express what you were feeling… But then, after some time to be lonely- you got it.  I was moping around because you were my best friend- I had such a crush on you… And when you sang to me- I was thanking God that I hadn’t lost you.”

               “You’re exactly right. Sometimes, we have to learn hard lessons, and that was one that I needed to learn.”

Jesse pulled into a parking spot and then opened the door for Beca who was taken aback. “Why did you do that?”

               “Do what? I don’t understand.” Jesse raised an eyebrow, incredulous.  And he locked the car with the remote until it beeped.

               “You opened my car door.”

               “Yeah, so?”

               “Why did you do that?”

               “It’s what gentlemen do for their ladies.”

               “Jesse, I’ve never met anyone like you before.  I’m so lucky.”

They went inside and ordered their food.  As they were leaving, they saw a sign advertising a karaoke contest, and the winner got five thousand dollars.

               “We could totally do this, Bec!  It says we can be a team!”


               “What?  Is it that lame?” He looked a little disappointed.

               “No.  I was just making sure you weren’t being sarcastic. Because it sounds like a lot of fun.”

               “What would we do with the money?”

               “We could put it in Savings and get an apartment… And/or we could save it for a wedding or a house or something.”

Jesse grinned and kissed her.  “You’re really something, Beca.  I think that’s perfect.  We should use it for us.”

               “I know this is quick- and impulsive, but, I would like to do it quickly…I want to be with you and I don’t want to waste much time not being with you.”

               “Do you want me to start looking for a rock?”

               “Would it make you as happy as it’s making me?” She smiled brighter than she thought she could. 


He opened the car door for her, and went around getting in himself.  She was enjoying this summer vacation immensely.  These past few weeks had been the summer vacation she had always wanted but thought she would never get.  She had a boy to keep her company!  This past week, they had been on a little road trip so they could spend more time together.  Since Jesse was back at home for the time being, as was Beca, there wasn’t much time for them to be uninterrupted. Beca found that for once, she really just wanted to get to know someone and find out everything there was to know.  She had never ever had an interest in that before which puzzled her.  At least, it puzzled her until she realized what she was feeling for Jesse-this wonderful guy that swept her off her feet and wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer because he liked her and wanted her to like him too.  She recalled how bold he was, and how he insisted on being near her.  Jesse was certainly persistent.   Beca looked over at him and saw that he had a far-off look on his face.  He actually looked a little troubled, and they were now back on the high way. 

               “What’s up?” She raised an eyebrow, concerned. 

               “Are you gonna get in trouble for you know-us being together?”

She tilted her head to the side, confused. “Why would I get in trouble?”

               “You told me about that stupid oath you were made to take.  Before, we weren’t an item- but now we are, and we weren’t involved and now we are… I didn’t really think of it before and I guess I should have.”

               “Aubrey graduated. And she left me in charge so I make the rules and I say that you can be with whoever you want to.  Plus- before- Bumper was in charge of the group and he was a jerk- but now, you’re in charge and you’re like awesome!  Aubrey told me that you made the Trebles nicer and so she didn’t mind me chucking the oath and going out with you. Plus, I know I’m good at acapella, but, if it means I can’t be with you, well, screw it.”

Jesse looked more than relieved. “Thank God! I felt so bad there for a moment because I thought I’d screwed everything up.”

               “You couldn’t do that.” She put a hand on his knee.  “And it’s been good… I’m glad that the first time was with someone kind and gentle…someone I admire… A great guy… I had never….” She trailed.

               “I hadn’t either. I never thought a girl like you would be interested in me.”

               “What do you mean, a girl like me?” She frowned.

               “Don’t take it the wrong way, Beca.  I just meant that you’re independent and you’re fierce.  You’re gorgeous and exciting.  You are incredibly sweet although you have that dark, mysterious side.  You don’t give a crap about what people think. I’ve never met anyone like you, and every day I have to pinch myself because I find it hard to believe that I get to be with you. I never thought a girl as cool as you would give me the time of day.  I find I am incredibly lucky.”

Beca smiled and said, “It’s funny that you say that- because I always felt that I would never be good enough for a guy as cute and normal as you.  I thought I’d only be able to snag some out-of-work musician or one of those Goth boys who tries to prove their individuality by all dressing the same. When you sang to me in front of the school, I was almost looking behind me to see if you were singing to someone else- some hot blonde or brunette or redhead with curves like nobody’s business- someone conventional… But when I knew you were serenading me- just me- I felt so special and a part of me was scared because I already liked you, it was the first day at college… And my jaded self just assumed I’d be stupid and let this hot guy in and he’d break my heart.  But when you started working at the radio station, I knew that you were really interested in me- as a date- but you were pretty ok just trying to be my friend. I’ve really never had friends- because I push everyone away.”

               “Well, Bec, I just want you to know that you’re actually just my type. In honesty, I thought I’d end up with one of those run-of-the-mill girls and I didn’t want that. I wanted someone that didn’t realize they needed me as much as I needed them.  I wanted someone who would make me think.  I wanted to share things with them and I wanted to be able to banter back in forth with someone who is smart and funny.  I didn’t want a girl who was always letting other people choose for her.  I wanted someone who made trends- and made up her own mind about things.  And that’s you, babe.”

She smiled and started to sing the song that popped into her head. “They say we’re young and we don’t know- we won’t find out until we grow.” Jesse chuckled and joined in, “Well I don’t know if all that’s true- ‘cause you’ve got me, and baby, I’ve got you- babe.” And they both sang, “I’ve got you, babe.  I’ve got you, babe.” And both burst out laughing because it seemed so corny and couple-ish to be singing Sonny and Cher’s I’ve Got You, Babe in the car together. But somehow-both of them had wanted the corny.  “You know what, Jesse- I’m the lucky one.”


Jesse never thought he’d hear those words come out of her mouth.  A relationship with Beca was never boring.  And she was someone that required a lot of love.  She may be shoving it away, but that just made it all-the-more clear to him that she needed it.  Honestly, Jesse had never thought that she would feel the same way about him that he felt about her.  He never thought that she would be so open about her feelings for him.  And he definitely never thought that Beca would be ok with the fact that his parents hadn’t even met her yet and were already pushing the two of them down the aisle.  For someone who resisted a relationship- this surprised Jesse when it came down to it. As he drove towards their hotel, he felt genuine affection and dare-he-say-it…Love bubbling up in his heart for her, and he knew that she was the woman he was going to share the rest of his life with.  He was caught in his daydream until he heard her beautiful voice saying, “I know I wasn’t all that friendly and nice to you when we met.  I’m glad that you put me in my place when I was a jerk to you. I know that you were only trying to help by calling my dad when they arrested me…Actually, all the anger at the time aside-I’m impressed that you knew his number.”

               “We’re Facebook friends.  Apparently, he had seen the two of us together on the quad and he observed on our pages that we both worked at the radio station, and we were both in acapella groups and he asked me how you were doing-since he said he never hears from you.”

               “Oh, that explains it.”

               “Are you mad?”

               “No.  My dad’s right-I didn’t talk to him very much last year, or any of the ten or so years before that.  I can’t blame him for wanting to know how I was- and I can’t blame you for wanting to help him get to know me-since you were trying to get to know me too.  I pushed you both away.  I’ve been doing it all my life… but all this has taught me that I can’t be an island anymore.”

               “I understand why the two of you clash-but he’s a good guy, and he loves you.”

               “Yeah.  I know he wishes I’d go in a more solid path for a career… I know the DJ-ing isn’t known as a very solid, lucrative business, but, It’s what I love… I understand that he was trying to save me a lot of frustration later in life by frustrating me now.  I understand that he was worried about his little girl.  I know he was just trying to look out for me. I get that.  I didn’t before-all I saw was the fact that he kept telling me to do something other than what I wanted to do.  I just saw that he didn’t support my dreams, and I hated him for it.  I see the light now… And I have given a lot of thought to my life and my classes since then.  I’m going to take the rest of my core classes and I’m going to take more music classes.  And I’m going to take writing and English classes.”

               “That’s great, Beca!  I meant to ask you what you were taking, I just never got around to it.”

               “Nick also said that he would like to put me in the booth as a back-up – I boosted the ratings 20% when I did it during spring break.”

               “You’re good.  As long as you don’t sleep with him in thanks of the opportunity-I don’t care.”

               “I promise you, that’s not gonna happen.  He calls me, ‘Becky’.  Plus, if I spend my nights with you, I can’t spend my nights with him.  And trust me, I’d rather be with you-have you kissing me- singing to me-loving me… I can’t imagine being with anyone but you.”


Beca sat on the passenger side of Jesse’s car.  They had just pulled into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn they were staying at for the night.  There was something she had been thinking in her head since the beginning of the trip.  It was something that she had pretty much said already-she just hadn’t said the words.  She hadn’t said them because she didn’t want to say something too soon, and she didn’t want to mess anything up. But finally, she couldn’t keep it in any longer.  “I love you. I know we’re young-and we haven’t been going out that long… But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m madly, deeply in love with you.”

She said it in a small voice- overcome with the emotion of feeling it for the first time and saying it out loud.  It was something very new to her. 

Jesse’s mouth went dry and he found himself stumbling for a response. He hadn’t expected Beca to be the first to say the L word… And he definitely hadn’t expected her to say it so soon.  But, he was glad that she did.  And his heart felt like it could burst from happiness.  It was overwhelming, and all he could do was kiss her and say, “And I love you.”

He didn’t want to just say, “I love you too.” Because it sounded too cheap to him- and he could see that Beca was moved by the improved word choice- and by the fact that the guy she loved- loved her back. 

               “I’m so happy that we got this out in the open.   I’ve been thinking it for weeks, but each time, I talked myself out of saying it.  I can’t do that anymore.  It’s become inevitable, and it’s become too hard to keep inside.”

               “Me too.  I have been afraid to say it out loud because I didn’t want to overwhelm you or scare you-but I’ve been in love with you for a long time.”

Chapter 2

They checked in at the desk and they went to the elevator.  Jesse found himself daydreaming because he knew what lay ahead once they got to the room.  He remembered the first night they were together as if it was yesterday.  They were in a hotel-much like this one.  She hadn’t mentioned anything, but, he had seen a tag from Victoria’s Secret in her bathroom trash can when he came to pick her up-so he knew that something was probably up.  And then, at the hotel, she was in the bathroom for a long time.  And when she emerged, his heart nearly stopped.


One week earlier:

What is taking her so long in there? Jesse asked himself.   But when the door opened and she walked out, his heart nearly stopped, and his stomach was butterflies.

Beca was wearing a short, black lace nightgown with a plunging neckline and her brown hair was down- running over her back and shoulders like a chocolate waterfall. 

He couldn’t help that his jaw dropped a little.

               “Like what you see?” She smiled.

               “Y-yeah.  You look-you look absolutely gorgeous!”

               “Do I look any other way to you, big boy?” She looked down at her attire and then back at him.

               “You look incredibly hot and sexy.”

               “Your eye is on the prize – and you are right on the money.”

               “And you’re sure about this?  This is what you want?  I just don’t want to push you into anything.”

               “Don’t be silly. Of course I want you! And I know you want me, so, yeah, I’m cool with it.  I bought this for you, and there’s a lot more where that came from.  I tell you, I looked like I was supplying an escort service with all the little numbers I bought.”

               “I don’t know what to say.  I’m shocked.”

               “You don’t need to say anything. Just take a good look at me and do what comes to your mind.”

Jesse had wanted this for a while now, and he was enthralled by her.  He wanted her- and to know that she wanted him too-it was almost too much.  Beca was becoming a larger part of his life and he knew what was coming would move her even further up the ladder.  That’s what love does.  He was scared to death-mostly because he had never been even remotely close to intimacy with a girl.  And he didn’t want to screw up the relationship.  He looked her up and down and gulped. 

               “I know this is out of character for me.  But, I think I like being a sexy dame.”

               “You’re good at it.”

               “Why thank you.”

               “I have to be honest here-I’m scared to death.”

               “Me too. But I want this- so much that it outweighs my fear.”

And again, Jesse was surprised by her words.  And then she said, “You know- you can make a move on me-if it helps, I can sweet-talk you.”

               “Sweet talk?” He laughed.

               “Never mind.  Maybe this’ll help.”  She got out her iPod and scrolled a little, then hooked it up to one of the iHome speakers she brought with her.  Then, she smiled as Foreigner’s Feels Like the First Time started playing. 

A grin came onto his face.  “The first song I sang to you in front of everybody.  Nice.” And he took her in his arms, kissing her, and no more needed to be said.

Later, Jesse would think back on this with a smile because it was one of those moments that really defined their relationship, and affixed in it the love of music. 


Beca had never expected that a guy could be so sweet and honorable, even with something like this.  She had never expected to be treated like a princess.  She had never expected a guy of all people to be cautious about intimacy because he was concerned about her well-being, and wanted to make sure she was perfectly ok with everything before jumping in.  Beca knew that Jesse loved her and found her attractive.  She knew that he wanted her, but he was such a gentleman that he put aside his own feelings to make sure that he wasn’t doing anything to damage her.  She admired that.  And he had this way of being so totally selfless that she was often amazed by him.  She had always thought that boys and men were despicable, egotistical, sex-crazed –misogynists, but she was happy-in Jesse to be proven wrong.  Jesse had reconfirmed her faith in guys, and had given her something to look forward to.  She realized that she was comfortable with him.  He made her feel like she was the only person in the world.  And she had to admit as she lay in his arms, that she had never felt this way before.  And the image of  him, the scent of him, the sound of him was intoxicating.  Her head was on his chest and she got wrapped up in the rhythm of his heart beating, and the quiet rise and fall of his chest as he slept.  So this is what I’ve been missing she thought. 


Dreaming always seems to bring out either your greatest fears, or in this case, your fantasies and everything that’s real.  Jesse’s dreamland had wandered to the encounter with the lovely Beca Mitchell and the night that forever changed his life.  As he dreamed, the image of her was burned into his head.  The scent of her perfume was in the sheets, and he remembered the taste of her kiss.  And he remembered how she had thanked him last night-which at the time had seemed quite odd.  When she said, “Thank you.”

He had replied, “For what?”

And she had stroked his arm gently, “For this- for us-just now… It’s nothing I’m experienced with-up till now…You were so gentle and considerate… And you’ve always given me more than I deserve.   Thank you for teaching me that good guys exist… And I want to thank you even for the things that I may not have appreciated at the time… I am glad that you didn’t put up with my crap.  I’m glad that you put me in my place.  I needed that.”

He had kissed her then, “You’re very gracious, thanking me for these things.”

               “I try.” She kissed him back, nuzzling his neck playfully. 

               “I know I was a little hard on you… But I wouldn’t have bothered if I didn’t care about you.  You were a little emotionally unavailable… And I understood why, but I knew that you were worth it- and I saw that my feelings weren’t going to go away. You had become such a part of me- and I just wanted you to actually be a part of it.  I knew you weren’t really a part of anything or anybody-but I felt- and I knew that you were capable of great change… And you are.  You have proven that.  But honestly, as the time, I thought I was going to lose you, but you would just forget about me… I felt like I had lost my best friend… But then you sang to me and I knew that you cared, and that you had finally learned that all I was trying to do was love you- and you had decided to let me… and love me in return.”

               “You thought I was done with you?” She giggled, kissing over his heart.


               “Well, newsflash-I’m never gonna be done with you.”

               “Really?  So you’re all in?”

               “I’m all in.”


They finally got upstairs to the hotel room and dropped their bags.  Tonight was the last night of their trip and neither one of them wanted it to be over.  They celebrated their Saying the ‘L’ word.  It was official, and now they were both exhausted.

               “We were in the car for too long.” Beca stretched, accidently hitting Jesse in the face with the back of her hand.

               “Ouch!  Yes- we were.”

               “Sorry I hit you.”

               “Violent woman!”

               “Yes.  I guess I am.  But I said I was sorry.”

               “You did.  I accept your apology, and I will refrain from calling the authorities.”

               “Who would you call? Your mommy?”

               “No… I can’t say I would.” He laughed. 

               “Do you want to watch something? I brought one of your favorites.” She reached into her bag and pulled out Star Wars: A New Hope. 

               “You’re going to let me watch Star Wars in bed?”

               “Yeah. I am.  How does that make you feel?” She ran her hand over his stomach.

               ”You’re coy, woman!” He pulled her on top of him.  “You know how to get lucky with me- I can say that for you.”

               “I have my ways.”

               “You sure do.  Now shut up and let’s get it done.”

               “Someone’s a little worked up.” She laughed.

               “It’s all your fault.  You know what you did.”


They watched the movie together, cuddled up in the covers, skin to skin.  And he thanked her for her thoughtfulness. 

And Beca was surprised how he lit up when she liked the things that he liked.  He even ordered Room Service for her with some chocolate-covered strawberries.  “These are delicious.”She sighed as she ate one. She was now wearing his t-shirt and only his t-shirt which was incredibly sexy to him.  He was drinking a Coke in his boxers, wandering over to have one of the delicious-looking chocolate-covered fruits.   

               “Here, try one.” Beca said, feeding it to him.

She was right.  “They are delicious.”

When they had eaten them all, they both swore that they would never be hungry again.  

He embraced her, and she noticed that slowly, she was being inched towards the bed.  This was out of character for him, but she had to admit that she liked it.  He just knew that she was someone who had expected every guy to be immature and obsessed with physical intimacy.  There was something about this time that was different from all the other times.  Beca felt it, and it sent a shiver down her spine.  And before she could even comment on it, he sighed and said, “There was something different…”

               “So you noticed it too?” She looked up at him.

               “Do you think it’s because we admitted that we’re in love?”

               “I’d say that’s a very good possibility. And I think that maybe it was different because you didn’t wait for me to make the first move.  I think, for a time, you were concerned about hurting me, or about seeming too eager or something.  But really, you never needed to be afraid.  I’m fine, and I already hold you head and shoulders above any other guy.  You don’t need to be afraid of making moves on me. I’m your girlfriend.  I’m here because I want to be, and nothing can change that.  And since, in the past, I have made the moves; when you decide to make a move, you can know that I’m not going to judge you for it.”

               “So if I want you, I want you, and I should let you know?”


               “Alright then.  Message received and noted.  I’m glad I don’t have that monkey on my back anymore.”


I guess it’s just the woman in you that brings out the man in me.  I know I can’t help myself-“

Beca had gone down to the lobby to get a cappuccino from the machine and returned to hear Jesse singing in the shower.  She had worn her PJs downstairs- black flannel with lightning bolts on them, and a T-Shirt from Barden that she was forced to buy one day when she spilled cranberry juice on her shirt and the dorm was all the way on  the other side of the school.  She mostly wore it to bed because she was embarrassed to show school pride.  Beca edged closer to the bathroom, and it sounded like Jesse had dropped the soap or something- because he stopped singing and it was as if he had forgotten where he was at and just decided to start over. 

I would climb any mountain
Sail across a stormy sea
If that's what it takes me baby
To show you how much you mean to me”

Beca always thought of the riff-off when she heard that song, and she decided to surprise that special guy by doing something that she would have never ever done before.  She opened the door to the bathroom quietly and started to undress as he sang,

“And I guess it's just the woman in you
That brings out the man in me
I know I can't help myself
You're all in the world to me”

And then, she started to sing along with him as she stepped into the shower.

It feels like the first time
Feels like the very first time
It feels like the first time
It feels like the very first time”

He was obviously surprised, but he got a mischievous look on his face. “You naughty, naughty girl!”

She laughed and kissed him.  “I know.  Now, shut up and sing.”

               “Ok.” He laughed, handing her the soap.

“I have waited a lifetime
Spent my time so foolishly
But now that I've found you
Together we'll make history

And I know that it must be the woman in you

He washed her back and she grinned.
That brings out the man in me
I know I can't help myself
You're all that my eyes can see

And it feels like the first time
Like it never did before
Feels like the first time
Like we've opened up the door
Feels like the first time
Like it never will again, never again

Feels like the first time, it feels like the first time
It feels like the very first time, very, very, it feels
It feels like the first time, oh it feels like the first time
It feels like the very first time

Open up the door, won't you open up the door? yeah

Feels like the first time
And it feels like the very first time
And it feels like the first time
It feels like the very first time

And it feels like the first time
It feels like the very first time
Oh it feels, it feels like the first time
Yeah it feels like the first time”

They ended in perfect harmony and laughed.  “I think this may be our song.” Jesse grinned.

               “Well, it was the first song you sang to me in front of people… It was the song we played the first time we- well, you know…” She blushed, unsure of why. “And now….”

               “I know.  We’ve gotten good use out of it.”

They were drying off and she was just staring at him, mesmerized at his perfection. How could it be that she found her soul mate- her best friend- and The One the first time she dated someone? How was she nineteen and already knew that she wanted him by her side for the rest of her life?

As she slipped a robe on, she blurted, “We should get married.”

And then felt incredibly stupid.  He’s going to think I’m nuts! I mean, we just started dating- we just said the ‘L’ word… We’re nineteen!  “I’m sorry!  I must have Turret’s… “

He surprised her by saying, “No, you don’t.  You’re right.  We should get married.  I mean, I love you and I know you love me.  I can’t imagine anyone else by my side for the rest of my life.  I see a future with you, and since you agree- we might as well not fight it.”

               “People are gonna think that it’s too early for us to be getting hitched…”

               “Since when does Beca Mitchell care about what other people think?” He raised an eyebrow, slipping on his boxers and jeans.

She laughed.  “I actually don’t give a rat’s ass- I just thought that people usually say crap like that so that they can tell people who say that to them to jump off a cliff because you already discussed it.”

               “That’s my girl.” He grinned, kissing her lips, then her cheek, her neck and collarbone.

               “I may have to take another shower.” She fanned herself.

               “It’s a vicious cycle isn’t it?”

               “Mmmhmm.” She sighed as the kisses got lower.

               “I’m crazy about you, Beca.”

               “I’d hope so-since you’re a bit up close and personal right now.”

               “I am, aren’t I?”

               “Mmmhmm.  You really love me.”

               “Yeah, I really, really do.”

               “You’re a weirdo.”

               “I know.  So are you.”

               “I know… and, I have something for you when we get back.  Don’t let me forget to give it to you.”

               “Ok.  You know, I never thought I’d be this guy- the cool guy that’s with the coolest girl on campus- the girl who shows everyone that you can take things and mix them together to form something better… The good guy with the girl everyone thinks is bad- but who is actually good- but somehow manages to bring out the bad boy in her guy.” 

Her eyes were glued to him and she pulled on her jeans. He continued, “I never thought I’d be with the girl who doesn’t give a crap about what everyone thinks.  I never thought I’d ever be with someone as cool as you.”

               “I know I just got dressed, but I think that I’d like to show you how much I appreciate what you just said.”

               “Alright.  I can’t argue with that.”

               “I’m glad.  Come on.” She led him into the bedroom. 

Beca felt safe in his arms, and she enjoyed the sound of him humming Don’t You Forget About Me.

Then, while she was thinking about the way it felt to hold his hand, or the way he kissed her neck- or the way he made her laugh; he all of a sudden said, “I’m gonna get you a ring.”

               “Can you afford it?  You’re a college student.”

               “Yeah, um- I came to school on a scholarship, and my parents paid for my books…. I’ve been working at the station and making some money… And my brother works for a jewelry store and-gets a discount.”

               “Just checking.”

               “What do you like?  Do you want a normal rock?  Or would you like a colored stone- or a pearl or something? Or like a diamond skull ring that says something like, ‘Till death’?”

She raised an eyebrow, her brown hair falling across her face.  “Seriously?  A diamond skull?”

               “It’s that ear spike that throws me.” He joked.

She playfully slapped his chest. “Don’t be an ass.  I like plain old regular diamonds.  After all, as Marilyn Monroe sang, ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend’.”

               “That makes it easy.  And you know I’m only kidding about the skull.”

               “I do.  I’m just mean.”

               “I love you anyway.”

               ‘I know.  I love you too- even though you’re very bold and you come when you’re not invited… Somehow, I find that an endearing quality.”

               “I’m glad.” He was silent for about a second and then blurted out the question, “Where should we live- when we get married?”

               “Well, there are some nice off-campus apartments that are pretty decent as far as rent goes… nice places… That should work for when we’re in school… When we graduate, we should live in a house… That’s what married people should do, in my opinion… Especially if they have kids.”

               “Ok.  On that subject- how many kids?”

               “Two? Four?  I don’t know… I just want an even number so one kid doesn’t get left out, and no one is an only child.”

               “Good point.  I concur with everything you’ve said so far… Pets?”

               “A dog…or dogs… Whichever.”

               ‘I love dogs.  Left side or right?”

               “Of the bed? Right.”

               “Yes… Good…I like the left.   Big wedding or small?”

               “I don’t have that much family… Do you?”

               “Nope.  Just my mom and dad, and my brother and two sisters… A grandma on my mom’s side… and my dad’s parents… And one crazy aunt Hilde…”

               “Ok…So I’m thinking a small wedding… Cool but classy.”

               “Because that’s the way you roll.”


Jesse had to admit that it felt good to be talking about marriage.  He never thought that at such a young age, he would find the person he was meant to spend the rest of his life with.  He never thought that the possibility of it would come so soon, and when he discovered that Beca was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with- he was surprised when she went along with it.  Beca seemed ready for everything he had assumed she’d be hesitant about.  The funny thing about Beca being the one was that she was everything he had ever wanted-but everything he never thought he’d get.  He wanted someone who spoke their mind- someone that didn’t give a crap about what other people say.  He wanted someone to spar verbally with.  He wanted to have an ongoing battle of wits with the love of his life- but he always thought he wouldn’t get that lucky.  He just assumed he’d get the typical boring girl… but Beca thankfully was the kind of girl Jesse could be happy with.  He could be fulfilled and satisfied- he could have a relationship of equality because Beca was his equal-his peer in so many ways.  He liked the way she challenged him.  When Jesse dropped her off at her dad’s a few hours later, she gave him a mix CD.  “I hope you like it.  Just don’t listen to it until you get home. I want you to really concentrate on it.”

               “Will do, princess.  I’ll see you on Friday- I’ll pick you up and we’ll go to my parents’ house for dinner… if that’s ok.”

               “It’s perfectly alright.  I’m looking forward to it actually.  How should I dress?”

               “However you want.  They’re making lasagna”


               “I’m a lucky guy, you know.”

               “And I’m a lucky girl.”

They kissed sweetly and he blushed, giving her a little wave as he left.  “Bye, beautiful.”


Beca realized that she missed him as soon as he walked out the door.  She hoped he liked what she put together for him.

Jesse popped the CD into his boom box up in his room and heard the familiar strains of his favorite songs.  Beca had included the song he serenaded her with when she got to school in the cab.  She had included Foreigner’s Feels Like the First Time of course- and No Diggity- her singing of course with the Bellas.  Don’t You Forget Me from The Breakfast Club.  She included every song that was of any emotional value to them as a couple.

At the end of the CD, there was a song that Jesse had never heard before- it was Beca singing and playing guitar and playing the keyboard.  Her voice was melodious as she sweetly sang, “You taught me how to love- how not to be alone.  You taught me to brave & to not push you away.” 

And he knew she wrote this for me.  It was so sweet and real.  He called her right away, looking at the CD jacket which had a picture of a heart with scars-and someone putting a band-aid on it.  She had named the CD The First Time.  In the jacket, she had written in her perfect, girly handwriting, “Jesse- I stayed up all night making this mix for you because I felt the overwhelming feeling of respect and affection coming over me for you. You have changed my world and everything in it.  I couldn’t sleep anyway… I hope you know how much I have enjoyed being your girl the past few months.  You are a part of my thoughts and my dreams.  I hope these songs let you know how much I’ve enjoyed your company- the last song, I wrote for you myself, as you probably guessed.  I usually sing in a capella, but, I wanted to show off the arrangement I wrote.  I really hope it captures your heart.  If you cry-then you’re not alone.  I hope you know how much I admire and respect you- Love Always, Beca.”

When she answered the phone, she said, “Did you like it?” She said it quickly- just trying to find out what he thought.

               “It was amazing, Beca! And that song you wrote- it’s so sweet and moving.  I’ve never heard anything like it before, but yet there’s something familiar about it.”

               “I’m glad you like it… I know it’s pathetic – but I already miss you.”

               “I miss you too.  Are we still on for Friday?”

               “Yes. I haven’t forgotten.”

               “I’ll pick you up at 5.”

               “Alright.  Do you think they’ll like me?”

               “Beca, they’ll love you because I love you.”

Friday at 3 pm

Beca had already tried on everything in her closet by noon and decided that nothing was suitable for her first visit to Jesse’s parents, so she went to the mall and bought a new dress and some shoes to go with it.  When she looked in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself. Who’s this woman staring back at me? Do I know her?  She wore her pearl necklace that her grandmother had left her.  She had actually never worn it before because it wasn’t something that went with her normal attire- plus, it was really n ice- an heirloom and she didn’t want to lose or damage it.  But tonight- this occasion- in this dress, she was letting those pearls make their appearance.



               “Wow, you look amazing!” Jesse said as if he had forgotten to breath. 

               “You look amazing yourself.” Beca blushed, standing there in her emerald green dress and matching pumps.  She wore the pearls around her neck. 

               “Thank you.” He was wearing a grey suit and a dark blue dress shirt. 

               “Am I dressed alright?” She asked. 

               “Beca, you look perfect.  My parents would like you in anything you wore… But, you look beautiful.”

               “Do I still look like myself?”

               “Yes, why do you ask?” He put a gentle hand on her back.

               “I don’t know… I just don’t recognize myself when I look in the mirror.  I feel different.”

               “Bad?  Or just different?”

               “Just different-more mature.  It’s not something I’m used to. “

               “Are you uncomfortable in it?  I mean- you look amazing, but if you feel uncomfortable-if you’d rather wear something else, you can change.”

               “I’ll be ok. Thank you though for understanding- and for being so wonderful.  I’m just worrying more than I should about nothing.  I have never been to dinner with a guy’s parents before.”

               “Don’t be scared. They will love you.”



Jesse was right- she had nothing to worry about.  His parents were delightful people and they welcomed her into their home as if she were someone they had known forever.

She found them warm and hospitable, and she loved their house. It was homey and real.  She liked the paintings and pictures on the wall.  The furniture was antique in some rooms- obviously heirlooms- but others were very modern, which made the place look very eclectic and stylish. 

               “We’re so glad to meet you, dear.  Jesse goes on and on about you.”

               “Good things I hope.” Beca laughed.

               “Oh, of course.” His mom smiled.

While they were eating, Jesse’s mom asked if Beca had anything going on that next weekend.

               “Not that I know of.” Beca said, sipping the sweet tea in front of her. 

               “Well, we’re having a little Summer Carnival here in our neighborhood and I thought it sounded like something you kids would have fun at.  You can stay here at the house if you’d like on Friday night, stay till Sunday… We can have BBQ and get better acquainted.  I’ll put you kids to work at the carnival, but you’ll have fun.”

Beca looked over at Jesse who was grinning.  “They do it every year- and it’s a lot of fun.  Everyone gets pretty into it.”

               “Well, it sounds wonderful.  I’d love to help out.”

               “Irene even decided to tell Mr. Larke that you were a wonderful singer, so you may get called on to participate in some kind of contest.  People tend to win a lot of money with those things.”

               “Seriously?  For a neighborhood carnival?”

               “Yes.  They take it very seriously around these parts.” Jesse’s dad, Glenn Coleman said with a kind smile.  It struck Beca how alike father and son seemed.  They were both very shy, but yet bold at just the right times.  They were very open-minded and kind.  They were quick with a joke, and they both were fairly quiet while eating, obviously enjoying the lasagna.  Irene was just as kind, she just was a lot more talkative however, and Beca now got where Jesse got his ability to go on and on about something he was passionate about.  She also got the feeling that Mrs. Coleman was someone who always liked to provide her family with the best of everything.  She was someone who cared about everyone.  She was generous.  And Beca already felt like she had known Jesse and his family since the beginning of time. 

               “Well, I’m all in.  Thanks so much for inviting me… And if they ask me to sing- well, I guess I’ll do it if they want me… I just don’t want to overshadow anyone or step on anyone’s toes-since I’m not from the neighborhood, I’m just a guest here…”

               “Oh, honey, don’t be absurd.  They have people from all over who participate in the contests- they even have people who make it a point to fly in from other states to participate.  See, our community was founded by a bunch of different races and backgrounds.  It’s a very rich cultural part of the state and many different kinds of people settled here.  It was designed to be a community where everyone mingled and shared ideas, and lived together despite their differences.  A lot of places- they tried but couldn’t quite get there… But Stoneycrest actually did it because they were started in affiliation with the churches in the area.  That started it off the right way.  Everyone came in looking for community and that’s what they got.  When families got too big to live in the smaller houses, they would move somewhere else, but they wanted to remain in touch with the people who were left, and that’s how the idea of the carnival got started.  The people of the town wanted to stay connected with the people of the community.”

Beca had been engrossed in the story and she realized that the very thought of all this love and community was something that she had been wanting all her life.  She had always wanted to belong to something that would nurture her.  How wonderful it was to have all of this come to her in the form of Jesse and his family.  It was wonderful that something so warm and inviting had happened to her. 


That night, Jesse dropped Beca off at her house and he smiled, “Congratulations, sweetie! You’re a hit.  They loved you.”


               “Yes.  My mom told me that she feels like she already knows you.  She also said that you’ll be a perfect fit for this family.”

               “I like her.”

               “And my dad, he said that I better be good to you, and I better not be an idiot and let you slip away.  He said that I better get on it and propose to you before you realize what a dope you’re dating and change your mind… Of course he was kidding, but he made me laugh because I was kind of already there.”

               “So they’re ok with that?”

               “Yep.” Jesse said.  She invited him in, and took him up to her room because her dad wasn’t home.  “My mom said you’re lovely, sweet, and spunky.  She likes how genuine and creative you are.  She likes the way your face lights up when you look at me, or when someone brings up your DJ-ing or singing.”

               “I didn’t realize I was so obvious.”

               “Actually, you really aren’t. She’s just good at reading people…”

               “Oh.” She said, booting up her laptop. She wanted to print him off something she had written for him- a story. It was something from her heart- something that she had put her all into.  She had turned into someone gushy and at first, she didn’t like it at all, but now, she found that it was actually kind of nice.  She knew that love changes everything.  She knew that Jesse had brought something phenomenal to her life when he sang his way into it.

               “My dad said that you were the prettiest little thing he’d ever seen.  He called you enchanting and I agree.  I also remember him saying that I would be a damn fool if I didn’t – and I quote- scoop that girl up –marry her, and have a bunch of rug rats with her.

Beca laughed.    “He’s a sweetie.  I love both your parents.  There’s nothing I’d like more than to see them more often.  I’m glad that they invited me next weekend.”

               “It sounded like something that would be right up your alley.”

Jesse read what Beca had written.  It was sweet and wonderful.  She had written a story about a princess who had been treated like an untouchable- so she began to think of herself that way.  But then, a prince came along who let her know how absurd it was to think that way.  He was kind to her, and he listened.  And even though she was feisty and tough, and she tried to push him away, he wouldn’t stand for it and they became closer and closer.  She learned a lot of life lessons, and she realized that he was right.  She fell in love. Jesse knew how fiction is often inspired by life.  And this was no exception.  Beca was that princess.  He was that prince.  And he made sure he wrote her a nice long email telling her what he thought about the story.  He really enjoyed it.  It had everything that a good story needs.  There was drama and intrigue, romance and humor.  It had happy moments and sad moments.  There were lessons to be learned, and bridges to be crossed… And Beca had managed to put everything together masterfully.  Beca was a girl of many talents.  When he emailed her, he said, “You surprise and astonish me every time you do something like this.  You are not to be underestimated.”

And when he got back, his parents were still talking about the evening and Beca, and how glad they were that their son was with such a nice, delightful girl.  Jesse wasn’t ready to hit the hay and ended up watching Alfred Hitchcock’s Rebecca and popping some popcorn.  He was in the mood for an old movie.  He also unpacked some of his stuff, surprising his mom by doing some laundry.

               “You’re not going to make me do it?” She raised an eyebrow, putting a new roll of toilet paper in the dispenser.

               “No.  I can do laundry.”

               “Well, that’s wonderful.  You make me proud.  Many boys just bring their bags and bags of dirty clothes for their poor moms to do… I’m glad you don’t do it, and I think it’s nice to practice doing laundry now so when you get married, your wife isn’t always exhausted from doing laundry constantly.  Just a tip- if you exhaust them with your dirty socks, you won’t get any in the sack.”

Jesse almost dropped the Downy bottle.  “That’s good to know.”

               “You’re on the right track, boy. Keep it up.  And just make sure you use protection.  As much as I would like grandchildren, I can hold off a few years.”

               “We do…”

Jesse didn’t know that he liked knowing that his mother knew about him and Beca being together in that way- even though he wasn’t overly surprised.

               “Good! I knew that I raised a smart boy, and I knew that Beca was a smart girl.  When the time comes, you’ll have beautiful children. But until then, just enjoy the wonderful, casual romps, and just enjoy being young and in love.”

               “You’re not mad about-you know…?”

               “Not at all. You two love each other-you’re going to get married and start a life together- you’re just in school- so it’ll be a while before you get the fairytale… But until then-life is stressful and it’s too hard to go without something you want so much…  You’d go mad if you didn’t act on your urges- so I say you just do it.”

               “I bet those are words not many young people hear from their parents on the subject.”

               “Well, I know I raised someone responsible.  You know your heart and mind better than anyone, and you have a good head on your shoulders.  You picked a good woman, and she thinks a lot of you- just as I know you think a lot of her.  She has been through a lot emotionally, and you’ve been just the key for that lock around her heart.”

Chapter 4

Jesse had never golfed before- hadn’t ever really even thought about it as being something that he would enjoy, but when Mr. Mitchell, Beca’s dad invited him to the green to play a game, he went willingly- hoping to bond with the man.  It was sticky and hot outside.  And Jesse had to admit that he was very nervous, doing this with Beca’s dad.  But, the man was nice.  “I’ve never done this before-golfed.” Jesse got out a club.

               “I’ve only done it once or twice… I suck at it to be honest, but it’s relaxing.”

That made Jesse feel a little better, because he didn’t want it to be a big competition. 

               “I want to compliment you-boy-  it takes a strong person to take on such a giant undertaking as my Beca.  She is a great girl- and I love her, but she is incredibly strong-willed.  She has always been that way, and my leaving didn’t help that at all.  I let her down and then she decided that all men were going to let her down like I did.  I’m sorry for that- in regards to you.  But, I know that you have done wonders for helping her to see past the hurt, and to know that I always loved her… I guess I wasn’t very supportive, so she just stopped sharing her dreams with me.  I deserve that, I guess.  I’m grateful though-to you for restoring her faith in humanity.”

               “Did I really do that?” Jesse squinted from the sun.

He was unsure of how much part he really had in all this.  A lot of the changes in Beca had come from Beca.  She saw that there was a void in her life.  A lot of that had to do with him, he knew, because he had forced her to see that she was driving everyone away.  He had taught her to believe that she could really trust people and that was one of the deciding factors with her coming around… But, if she didn’t want to change, she wasn’t going to.  She wanted the change, so she did it…. Another deciding factor in it was the fact that she had never really belonged to anything before.  She didn’t want to.  She thought being a part of something like an a calpella group was lame, and it wasn’t something in her comfort zone, but it had taken up a lot of her time, and she realized that it was something that fulfilled her and gave her some sort of accomplishment.  And when Aubrey came around a little and stopped being so bossy, it gave Beca a chance to realize that maybe it wasn’t so lame after all. 

               “Well, I think you had a very large part in it anyway.  Son, you are the first boy who has ever gotten past the first gate with her.  She isn’t very trusting… You made her trust you.  Everything else just flowed from there.  Beca chose to make the changes, and while she did it for herself, to make herself a better person- a lot of it- she did it because you inspired her.  She wanted to be worthy of you- not that she ever wasn’t… She just- had to realize that she was worth loving… And once that happened, she changed significantly.”

               “We had an interesting start.”

               “Yes, that’s how the best love stories go… I have to say that I am very grateful for The Bellas too.  They got her out of her shell. She finally had girl friends.  She has always had a terrific voice.  I always told her that… But my relationship with her was strained, so she never believed that I was being sincere.”

               “That happens unfortunately.”

They played a few holes in relative silence, neither one very good at the game.  And as always with men, they found it awkward to engage in any real meaningful conversation.   But eventually, Beca’s dad adjusted his sunglasses and gulped quietly, taking a deep breath.  “Are you and my daughter sleeping together?”

He asked as if he already knew the answer, so Jesse took a breath and said, “Yeah, honestly… Are you like-totally pissed? Or disappointed in me…?”

               “Not really.  I just wondered… As a father-even a rather absent one- you notice things… and you observe… I just hope that you two are being cautious.  And I hope that if something happens- that you will both be responsible and deal with the consequences like mature young adults.”

               “We will… And we have been… I promise that I will always take care of her… I can’t imagine living life without her now.  I know we’re young, but I knew something had changed when I saw her for the first time.  And every time something brought us closer together, I felt like it was happening for a reason.  Beca is a breath of fresh air… And she is so very special.  I can’t help but get carried away- and think about the future when I’m with her.  The closer and closer we got to each other, the stronger those feelings got.  Before too long, even at our young age-not having our acts together yet- I kept imagining that house on the corner with the picket fence and the window boxes-wreath on the door at Christmas, a tree-house and swing set for the kids… I can hardly breathe when I dream like that.”

               “If you want to marry my little girl, nothing would make me happier… You’re a nice young man, and you treat her the way a girl should be treated.  I know you respect her, and I know you want nothing more than to make her happy.  That is something that-as a father-demands respect and admiration.  I always feared that the fact that I walked out- that my marriage to Beca’s mom- would make it so that Beca would be so distrustful of guys that she wouldn’t even want to get married. I’m glad that she has changed her mind.”

               “So you’re ok with me asking her to marry me- soon? Because I tell you, I don’t know that I’m going to be able to wait.”

               “Then don’t. When I talked to her last, Beca was all aglow; there was a happy lilt to her voice.  She was very sunny and bright, which is very unlike the Beca I’ve been used to since her mother and I divorced.”

The day was actually one that ended up being good for both parties.  Mr. Mitchell was a bit of a hard guy, but there was no mistaking the fact that he loved his daughter very much and wanted her to be happy.  Mr. Mitchell was glad to find that his daughter had found such a great guy, and had fallen madly in love with him.  They had a great relationship and they were what each other needed. Her dad saw that and appreciated Jesse for it.  Neither one of them could say that they were very good at golfing, but neither of them suffered ridiculously doing it.  The two guys ended up getting a bite to eat at a pizza place.  While they were sitting there, Mr. Mitchell asked Jesse, “So, what are you studying in school?”

               “Well, I’m kind of double-majoring and minoring in a few things… I got a scholarship for English and History actually… That’s what I’m hoping to get a job in when I graduate… But, I am minoring in Music Theory classes- they are like the history of music, and great composers… I get credit for my extracurricular activities as a Treble.  I also am taking classic film, cinematography, and theater because it rounds out my Arts classes.  I figure-if I can get hired at a school for History or English, I may also be able to teach Music or something… I also thought that I could teach something on the side, or be a private tutor just in case the school makes budget cuts or something… that’s the thing about the job market these days… I really didn’t even know what to do when I got into college- because I know that so many college students end up not being able to use their degrees… I think that’s a shame.  It puts us in a spot because we almost feel like we are forced to go to college-but there’s a good chance that even if we go- it won’t amount to anything.”

               “You’re right. Kids now days are in a Catch 22. There really aren’t any careers that are so in demand that they’re safe professions.  Many young people are giving up their dreams because they don’t think they can get a job in that field. It’s really sad.”

Beca was busy reading a book up in her room when her phone rang.  It was Jesse’s mom and she invited her out to lunch at the Olive Garden.  Beca changed clothes into some nice jeans and a yellow dress shirt, which she thought would look sunny and nice.  At the restaurant, Irene smiled and said, “I just wanted to get to know you a little better, dear.  And I wanted to have a nice lunch.”

               “Well I’m glad you invited me.  I love Italian food… And I really enjoy hanging out with you.  We should bond. You’re Jesse’s mom, and I’m his girlfriend… we’re in charge of molding him into the man he’ll become.” Beca smiled.

They ordered their food and Irene said, “There was another reason why I invited you.  See- my neighbors, the Richardsons were supposed to go on a trip to Italy with my husband and I, but their daughter, Judy is eight months pregnant, and it isn’t going well.  The doctor put her on bed-rest and so Carol and Mitch feel they should stay stateside and go to their daughter.”

               “Sounds logical.” Beca nodded, sipping her water.

               “Well, the reason I brought it up is that- the trip is already paid for… And Carol and Mitch don’t want the tickets to go to waste, so they asked us to find someone to take their place-another couple… We talked about it, and Glenn and I decided that we’d like you and Jesse to accompany us as the other couple… Are you interested?”

Beca dropped her fork, shocked at the invitation.  “Uh-yeah!  Seriously?!”

               “Yes.  Do you have a passport?”

               “Yes.  I just got one last year… You really want me to go to Italy with you?!”

               “I’d like nothing more.  And it’ll be a little bit of bonding for us to do, since you and my son are going to be together for a long time… I thought we could do something fun.  It’ll also be something romantic for you and Jesse. You’ll have a lovely hotel room all to yourselves, and you’ll be able to be together.”

               “Sounds wonderful.”

               “I’m thrilled to pieces about it.”

               “Does Jesse know?”

“Not yet.  I will have to tell him tonight. I figured he’d be interested, but I wanted to make sure you were before I mentioned it to him.”

“Makes sense.”

They ate their meal and had a nice conversation.  Irene was very easy to talk to.  She seemed very interested in Beca and the things she liked.  Beca saw that Irene was a very loving and warm person who wanted the best for her children. She also was very involved with her children’s lives.  She was one of those mothers who was on the PTA and the School Board.  She used to be a room mother when the kids were younger, and she worked in the school library.  Beca hadn’t really had that with either of her parents.  Neither of them was very involved with her life when she was a kid.  And when they finally were willing to be a part of her life, she had pushed them away because she didn’t want to get hurt again. 

When they began to talk about the fact that both Beca and Jesse were involved in A Capella groups, Irene smiled, “The two of you are very good at it.  And I’m glad that you both had that experience.”

               “I thought it was lame at first, but it’s actually pretty cool.  And when I got good at it, I was stunned at how cool it sounded. “

               “My son tells me that you are a back up DJ at the college radio station.”

               “That’s rather new, but yeah… I did it over spring break and I did a good job, so Nick, the station manager asked me to be a back up.”

               “I really enjoy your mixes.  My son made a CD with all the mash-ups you’ve given him, and I have to admit that I’ve borrowed it a few times.  I like how you take some obscure song and something popular, and then you blend in all these other layers to make it something really special. You have a gift, child.”

               “Thanks.  It’s what I love.  I’m glad he likes them enough to make a mix CD of them, and that you like them enough to borrow them.”

               “You strive for excellence, Beca.  We all appreciate that.”

               “I’m glad.”

               “You know, Beca, you are the first girl that has ever so much as sparked my son’s interest.  It wasn’t like we were worried about him-you know-going the other way…. I mean, he would say certain girls were cute or ‘hot’ or whatever… He had posters of actresses in his room… And he was a typical guy as far as liking football and baseball, and basketball…He just never had anyone he was really interested in.  But the first time he called from college, he talked about you and it was ‘Beca this’ and ‘Beca that’.  He had never talked about anyone that much.  And every time he talked about you, it was clear that his feelings for you were growing.  He was happy when the two of you became good friends, but he said that he wasn’t sure that the two of you were only friends.  But, you weren’t someone that was hard to read, and he said that it didn’t seem like you wanted to be more than friends with him.  I could tell that it broke him up a little.  And when the two of you had that fight after he called your dad to bail you out, he didn’t sleep well for a week… And then, when the other thing happened, he was just plain grumpy for the whole week of spring break at home… and every time I called him after that, I got the same response until that competition… then his mood improved greatly.”

               “I always liked him actually… I just didn’t want to like him.  I didn’t want to let anyone in because I was afraid to get hurt.  I thought that being friends was dangerous enough-but being boyfriend and girlfriend would mean we were in a real relationship-and I wasn’t emotionally available.  I kept telling myself that I wasn’t his girlfriend- that I couldn’t be because if I was, he could hurt me… If he was just my friend, then maybe it wouldn’t hurt so bad even if he hurt me… But when I got mad and yelled at him, and said he wasn’t my boyfriend and he should leave me alone- I thought that’s what I wanted, but when I got it, I was so miserable.  I not only lost a potential boyfriend, I lost my best friend… And it hurt more than I ever thought possible… Then I also was left out of the Bellas, so I had a lot of time to reflect on my misery and loneliness… I admitted to myself that I liked Jesse, and I screwed up… So I apologized, but I didn’t apologize the right way… I forgot that I not only yelled at him, I told him to go away.  And even though we never officially dated, he basically was my boyfriend and in that one moment, I denied him.  I pushed him away.  And when I apologized, I didn’t apologize for that… So he told me to go away… I broke his heart… And the worst part was that he thought I’d just forget about him and move on.  He didn’t know that I was suffering as much as he was.  He didn’t know how much I really cared for him.”

               “He loves you, sweetie.  And he won’t give up on you.  He’s not perfect either. And I’m sure- even if it was mostly your fault- that there were a few things he could have done better… But regardless, it’s over now.  You two are together, and you’re a beautiful couple in love.  And one day, hopefully before too long, Jesse will pop the question and you’ll have a beautiful ceremony.”

               “I’m excited about that.  I know I’m 19, but I want to be married to him.  I know that marriage is a big thing and it’s a business of forever… But forever is alright under the right circumstances, and Jesse has been the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me.  Before I met him, I really didn’t dream about getting married.  I didn’t think about my wedding, and I hardly ever day dreamed… But then, all of a sudden, I was staring off into space, thinking about our first date and dreaming about what our wedding would be like-what our house would look like… I found myself skimming through Brides on my iPad in between classes.  And I suddenly found babies irresistible… I always thought I hated kids.”

               “Me too… That’s very funny. I never thought any of that stuff was for me and then I met my husband…”

Chapter 5

Jesse was surprised when his mother told him about the trip to Italy, and the fact that now he and Beca were going.  He was thrilled to pieces.  He looked forward to walking around the ancient streets and holding her hand.  It also gave him an idea- he was going to propose to Beca in Italy.  He couldn’t think of a better time or place for it.  Italy was a place filled with romance, and this would be a new experience for him and Beca.  How great would it be to have engagement photos from Italy?!  And he knew that Beca would appreciate the culture and beauty of the country they were going to.  Beca had called a few minutes ago to tell him that she had asked her father if she could go to Italy and he had said it was fine. 

               “I’m so excited.  I’ve never been to Europe before.  I got a passport last year because my mom and I went on a cruise to the Caribbean.”

               “I’ve never been anywhere but Nova Scotia… That’s why I had my passport.”

               “I’m so excited.  This is going to be a lot of fun.”


That weekend, Beca and Jesse were at his parents’ house for that carnival and they were having a wonderful time, just as Irene had said they would.  Beca and Jesse got asked to do a duet at the end of the night. 


They watched as their son, and his lovely girlfriend sang Frank Sinatra’s You Make Me Feel So Young.  They were so happy and vibrant and they looked so in love.  Their voices blended so well together and every harmony was heaven-sent.  Irene held her husband, Glenn’s hand that night and they sighed happily, watching their son with the love of his life.  They were finishing up the song now.

You make me feel so young
You make me feel there are songs to be sung
And the bells to be rung
And a wonderful thing to be done

Yeah and even when I'm old and gray
I'm gonna feel the way I do today
'Cause you make me feel so, yeah when I feel so
You make feel so young today, you make feel so young

They were awarded with a standing ovation from the entire neighborhood. And everyone turned to them for an encore.


Beca looked at Jesse and whispered in his ear, “What should we sing?”

He thought about it for a second and said, “How about A Whole New World?”

               “From Aladdin? Alright.” She hummed a little to set the key and he shook his head in consent. 

               “I watched it yesterday with the neighbor’s kid.”


They looked at each other and she said quietly, “1,2,3.”

And he sang Aladdin’s lines,

I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering,
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming”

And Beca chimed in with Princess Jasmine’s lines,

“A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you”

And Jesse did his little line
“Now I'm in a whole new world with you”

“Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feelings
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky

A whole new world”

And then they sang back and forth.

“Don't you dare close your eyes
A hundred thousand things to see
(don't Hold your breath, it gets better)

I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back
To where I used to be

A whole new world
Every turn a surprise
With new horizons to pursue
Every moment gets better

I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you

A whole new world
That's where we'll be
A thrilling chase
A wondrous place
For you and me”

And again, everyone clapped for them.  Jesse sang a song for them while Beca went to the restroom, but when she came back, they insisted she sing a song, so she sang Elvis’ Can’t Help Falling in Love.  As Beca sang, Jesse’s heart skipped a beat.  This was the woman he loved more than anything in the world.  When she sang, she was looking right at him.  And even though it was this big crowd of people that had asked her to sing, she wasn’t really singing for them- she was singing for him and they were just listening.  It was as if they were voyeurs or eavesdroppers. 

Her voice was lovely and sweet.  She sang it with such feeling, and she made it her own.  The way she sang the words let him know that she meant them as if she herself had penned them- even though the song was decades older than she was.  He felt it especially when she looked at him and sang the lyrics, “Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love with you”

That night, Mr. Larke presented Beca and Jesse with a check for $1000 and said, “You both did a splendid job, and since you two are starting a life together-so your parents tell me, Jesse- I thought it best to mix the prize money together… But that’s not all…  I always record the performances at these things for posterity, and because I like to remember the special performances… I am going to make a few copies, and if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to send them off to some producer friends to see if they’re interested in it.”

Beca and Jesse were shocked, in a good way, and thanked him for the opportunity.  It was Friday night, the first night of the carnival, and the two had done a lot of work, so they were exhausted.   That night, back at the house, Beca changed for bed, and Jesse pretended not to watch.  She’s so beautiful. His mouth was dry and he watched as she slid her t-shirt off, over her head, throwing it on the floor for the time being.  He loved the curves of her tiny body, and there was something totally alluring about her doing even the most subtle things.  She adjusted the straps of her black lace bra, and tugged a little at the bottom where it had ridden up a little.  She unfastened her jeans and slid them down her slim legs, kicking them aside.  And she went over to her suitcase and pulled out some pink and purple plaid sleep shorts and a black shirt with silver sleeves.  But he had to admit that he liked looking at her in her underclothes.  She mesmerized him with every move she made.  And he found, at the moment, that he wanted her.  He wanted her more than anything, and he needed her just as much.  He pulled her towards him gently, but forcefully.  She grinned.  “Do you want me?”

               “More than anything.” He answered,  face to her’s, kissing her lips tenderly, hands caressing her arms, and then running over her belly, his lips moving to her neck, kissing and moving on to her collarbone, and then lower which made her blush a little. He was cherishing her, adoring her.  The tender touch of his hands and lips was beautiful.   And he made love to her with such sweetness and sincerity that she actually cried from emotion.  He was alarmed at first because he thought that maybe he had hurt her or stepped over a line… “Are you ok? Oh god! I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

               “I’m fine, really!  You didn’t hurt me at all… I’m just crying because the love we just made was beautiful… I’ve never felt so cherished and adored.  I felt places in my heart just open up… and I feel so safe in your arms… I find that I want us to be permanent.  I don’t want to wait very long to get married.”

               “I’m so glad I didn’t hurt you.” He kissed her. And then he said, “I poured my soul into this… I wanted you to feel cherished.  I wanted you to feel safe.  I wanted all the love I have for you-all the devotion and warmth to shine through.  I wanted to make you feel gorgeous because you are.  I also wanted to take my time making love to you because I wanted to make sure you were loved thoroughly and completely.  I can’t wait much longer to marry you either.”



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