Friday, November 15, 2013

It's Always Belonged to You (a Pirates of the Caribbean fanfic)

It’s Always Belonged to You:

A Pirates of the Caribbean Story

Chapter 1

William Turner had loved Elizabeth Swann ever since they met as children on the crossing from England.  She had saved his life and become a dear friend in such a short time.  It was a love that started early on and grew as the years passed.  Unfortunately, she was the Governor’s daughter and he was just a poor orphan (essentially.  His father was kind of alive, but undead or whatever) and then a blacksmith’s apprentice. As much as he loved her, he had to pretend that he didn’t, or at least that it was a relationship that would never happened.  He knew Elizabeth had been angered by that, because she felt so strongly for him.

Will knew that Elizabeth loved him, she never tried to hide it.  She was very bold in her affection. They lived in a world where poor and rich don’t mix, and everyone had strict guidelines and rules and propriety to live by. When Elizabeth had walked down the stairs of the Governor’s Mansion at Port Royal, he had found her so incredibly gorgeous.  And his heart skipped a beat.  And she obviously felt the same.  She called him by his Christian name and, actually, by a his nickname, which was something you just DIDN’T do if the person wasn’t related or a spouse or something… but nevertheless, she had said it, and it made him both happy and sad.  He was happy because he loved her and wanted her he wanted her to love and want him too, but he was sad because he knew he could never have her.  Her father chided her for her impropriety and Will had to force himself just to call her Miss Swann and not Elizabeth like he wanted to.  She was angry with him for that and curtly said, “Good day, Mr. Turner.” As she left. And as soon as she was out of earshot, Will sighed and said, ”Good day…..Elizabeth.”

That was a long time ago. Right now, he stood on the deck of The Flying Dutchman, as it’s new captain.  His heart had been carved out of his chest and put into a new one, The Dead Man’s Chest. But even though his heart no longer resided inside him, he still could feel it breaking.  Why was it that every time he got close to being happy, something snatched his happiness from him and deprived him of the only thing he ever wanted?... Elizabeth.  That’s all he wanted.  All those years he had wanted her, needed her, but he couldn’t have her.  And then, he had a chance, he took it, they were together and happy and he asked her to marry him and she said, “Yes!” with so much joy that he felt like the luckiest man ever.  They planned their wedding and then, on the day they were to wed, they were both arrested for helping Jack Sparrow.  And then, they went on all these adventures to save themselves from the gallows only to be torn apart when

he found his father, made a promise to save him, not knowing the future consequences that would befall him for doing so.  And then, with Jack having the mark on him and the kraken and the mess that ensued from it, Elizabeth did what she had to,she left Jack to die, chained to the ship, after kissing him to distraction to do so.  And of course, that’s what Will had seen.  And he felt betrayed and hurt and he thought his Elizabeth was in love with Jack, so he agreed to help Jack to spare Elizabeth pain.

They spent so long being angry at each other, and now, Will felt terrible because so much time was wasted.  He now understood why Elizabeth had done what she did, but at the time, he didn’t even know all the facts, and because she didn’t tell him, he assumed the worst, and so they fell apart.  Elizabeth didn’t know why Will was so upset.  But then, they worked everything out.  And eventually, they just had Barbossa marry them in the middle of a battle and a storm on The Black Pearl.   They were so happy there for a few minutes and Will thought that they finally had a shot.  They could finally be together. And then, the unexpected happened- Davy Jones stabbed Will in the heart and he was dying. Jack was left with a choice, would he do what him and Will had agreed upon earlier; him stabbing the heart?  Or would he save Will’s life by letting Will’s hand do the stabbing?  He saw how miserable Elizabeth was, so he did the right thing.  He put the sword in Will’s hand and made HIM stab the heart.   Now, everything he knew had changed.  He was now bound to The Dutchman.  “Part of the crew, part of the ship” they said.  Now, he had to pay the price.  His father, Bootstrap Bill Turner came up behind him and said, “1 day ashore, ten years at sea.  It’s a steep price for what’s been done.  And where we go, the job we have to do, she cannot come.”

And it was only then that Will realized a truth, the good kind, about the situation… It sunk in, “I guess it depends on the one day.”

Chapter 2

Elizabeth said goodbye to everyone on The Pearl and headed for the shore.  She could tell everyone felt badly for her because they knew the pain she was in for.  As she was leaving, she was called, for the first time, Mrs. Turner.  It was a name that she had practiced for a long time before her and Will had ever gotten together.  She had always loved him, always wanted and needed him.  She always wanted to be his wife. And now, she was, but it wasn’t the way she pictured it.  It was like some nightmare, but only because of the hand they’d been dealt. She was still grateful she was his wife. She was grateful that he was alive, and she was happy that they got to see each other, even if it was for just one day.  But her heart was pained that after all they’d been through together, all the time they spent NOT being together, all the time between their ruined wedding that never was, and now the moment they finally were gloriously, wonderfully married like she’d always wanted, her darling Will was taken from her, first in death, and then, in life, or undead, or immortal (whatever he was, she wasn’t entirely sure she understood), he was taken from her to clean up Davy Jones’ mess, and to ferry souls who died at sea to their resting place.  She’d only see him once every ten years.  It was a cruel fate.  But, she had to pull it together and when she did, she finally came to realize what Will had, that it depends on the one day.  She was going to make the best of it.


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