Thursday, November 21, 2013

Little Things (A CSI Miami Fanfic)

Little Things: Part 1

Morning in Miami.  Light poured through the window onto the floor of the bedroom.  It shined on her face so that she woke up.  Calleigh Duquesne was glad that today, she didn’t have to go to work.   As A CSI, she didn’t get much time off.  Most of the time, it was ok.  She loved her job. But this was nice.  She turned, rolling over, seeing him there, next to her, sleeping soundly.  She smiled.  Yes, he was gorgeous, and he was her’s.  No one else could call herself Eric’s wife.  Calleigh and Eric had been married six months ago at his home church, and everyone was there to support the two of them.  His parents had been thrilled that he finally found someone he could spend the rest of his life with.  They had often worried that he wouldn’t.  And they loved her.  And the team-they were happy for the couple and wished them well.  It was good to have friends, Calleigh thought as she watched her sleeping husband.  He had been her best friend for a very long time, and one day, she realized that he was something more.  At first, she had ignored it, but eventually, she couldn’t pretend anymore.  She told him how she felt, and he had smiled.  She already knew he felt the same way.  They looked into each other’s eyes, and they fell into each other’s arms, kissing for a long time.  And suddenly, it was like the piece of her life that had been broken and scarred, was healed, and the pieces were put back together.  It was fixed.  Eric had done that, just with one kiss.  She was determined to be the best she could for him because he’d always been the best he could for her.  And she watched him now.  He was sleeping on his back, and his strong chest rose and fell as he breathed.  As normal for him, at night, he wasn’t wearing a shirt to bed.  She knew she should probably chastise him and make him put one on, but, without it, he just looked so damn hot!  She grinned at the thought and laid her head on his chest, just wanting to be close to him, hear his heart beating.  And it was the little things that made her happy.  Truly happy.  Little things like love and friendship, and dreams of tomorrow.  And again, she smiled.  Today was going to be a wonderful day.

Part 2

He stared at her as she slept next to him in her pretty robin’s-egg-blue nightgown, blond hair falling across her face.  He brushed it away.   He smiled, watching her breath, slow and steady.  He didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky.  Where did I go right? He asked himself.  Calleigh was easily the most wonderful person he’d ever met.  He loved her with all his heart and soul.  She was his wife, and in about four months, the mother of his child.  Yes, she was pregnant, and he was going to be a first-time father, which was really scary, but wonderful.  She thought she was fat, he thought she was beautiful.  He put a hand lightly on her belly, and he could feel the tiny foot.  It was a wonder.  He was so happy, and he loved both of them; his wife and his unborn child.  He had made himself a promise when she told him the news, that he’d always protect the both of them, even if it meant giving up his own life.  There was a song that said, “That’s what I’ll give, if that’s what it takes.”

Calleigh was a woman who had always been there for him, through it all.  Loving her had changed him, made him better.  He decided to give up everything that was keeping him from her.  None of it was worth it.  When he finally got the courage to ask her out, he thought she’d say no because they were co-workers, but she didn’t.  She agreed to go out with him, and they had a great time.  That had been the greatest moment in his life. Now, as Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean would say, they were, “Nigh unseperatable.” 

Eric remembered the night of the horrible thunderstorm.  They had been on a date, he made her dinner at his place.  She was on her way out when the storm picked up and he decided she shouldn’t drive home.  “You can stay with me for the night.”  She slept on the couch, although he said he’d let her sleep in his bed and he’d take the couch, she had laughed and said, “I’ll be fine, babe.”  He checked on her in the middle of the night.  The moonlight shone on her beautiful face, and he knelt by her, kissing her cheek, whispering in her ear, “I love you.”  Now, of course, she knew she didn’t hear him, but he had to say it.  Then again, they had only been dating a few weeks and he didn’t know if he should be dropping the “L” bomb on her yet.  But, to him, it wasn’t too soon because he had loved her for what seemed like forever.  But he also remembered the first time he said it to her face.  A picure from the day was resting in a frame on her nightstand.  It was at the beach, sunset.  They were watching the waves, sharing a bottle of wine.  They kissed as the sun went down.  Very romantic.  The orange sun cast a glow on her face.  He looked into her green eyes and told her what he had known for a long time.  “I love you.”

And the greatest thing was that she said it back.  And now, as he lay there, Eric knew he had it good.  Great.  He had everything a man could ever dream of, and he knew that there was beauty in the simple things.

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