Thursday, November 21, 2013

If That's What it Takes

She was so relieved when she saw Eric there.  The look on his face was determined as if he was making it a special point to catch her kidnaper.  Of course, Ryan and Tripp were there, and she was happy to see them, but she was more glad to see Eric.   Seth, her kidnaper held a gun to her head and said, ‘Put your guns down or I’ll shoot her.”

Then a voice came from behind, putting a gun on Seth, “You’re not going to get the chance.”  Calleigh knew the voice instantly as Horatio’s.   She again, was relieved.  And she he waited for the gun to come down a little, and she kicked him, getting the gun and holding it on him.  “You messed with the wrong people.” She said, with a no nonsense look in her eyes.   And as the man was taken away, Calleigh breathed deeply, and walked over where she felt safe-right by Eric.  He put an arm around her, kind of.  And let her fall into him, comforting like he always did.  And Ryan put a hand on her shoulder.  Tripp looked protective, us Southerners take care of our own she thought.  She went back to P.D. and grabbed her things.  Eric had gone with her.  He didn’t want to let her out of his sight.  She admired that, and she felt safe because of it.  When they got outside, he asked her, “Are you sure you’re ok?”

          “ Yeah, I’m fine.”

          “What are you gonna do, take some time off?”

          “I  really don’t know, to be honest.  I think I just wanna go home. Forget about what happened.”

He looked at her with a sweet smile.  He understood.  And then she smiled back, and went to get into the Hummer.  He stopped her with a sweet smile.  “Hey, you’re not going home alone.”

          “I’m fine, Eric, I really am, I promise.  But, thank you.” She really was touched by the thought.

          “I’m not.  I don’t know what I would have done if something would have happened to you today.” She could see it in his eyes, he was genuine, and he was serious, and, he loved her. She couldn’t say no to him.

          “Ok.”  She said softly.  And she gave him a smile that said, you’re a nice guy.  And he grinned back at her, going over to the passenger’s side and helping her in, then going to the driver’s side where she opened the door for him.  He smiled at her as he got in, and she knew in that moment, that he was something special.  Of course, she had always known he was special, but now, more than ever, she knew it.  He was a gentleman.  Not like the crook that kidnapped and attacked her.  In a moment, all the memories, horrible as they were, came to her, but when she saw Eric smile, she forgot.  She looked at him with a gentle smile, and he had an almost bashful look on his face.  And this made her remember the old Eric Delko, before the accident and his sister’s death.  His joking self.  Calleigh had always loved that about him, how he could always make her smile, no matter what the situation.  And she loved him.  Wait.  I love him? She was shocked that she had admitted it so readily.  But then, looking at him, and remembering all the times they had together: all the crime scenes, talks, looks, and all the feelings she’d felt with him: after all that, it was easy to see that it was true.  And as he drove away, she felt safe for the first time in long time.


They arrived at her place.  She had a beautiful little house in a nice neighborhood.  Eric opened the car door for her.

“You don’t have to do that all the time.” She told him.

“Yes I do.”

“If you want, if it’s too much trouble, you don’t have to stay here.  I don’t want to put you out.”

“Cal, I don’t mind.  I want to stay here, just to make sure you’re ok.  It’ll make me feel better.  And, don’t think you’re putting me out, Calleigh.  I want to do it.  If anyone’s being inconvenienced, it’s you.  I know you don’t like to be the victim and you don’t like people looking out for you, but, if something happened to you, and I wasn’t here, I’d feel terrible.”

“Ok.  You’re not inconveniencing me, Eric.  I think it’s sweet, and genuine, and very knight-in-shining-armor.”

“You’re not really a damsel in distress.  You can take care of yourself.  There are just some things that a lady gets into that are not her fault, and she can’t get out of it by herself.  That’s when a guy needs to be there.  And so I’m here.”

“I knew you’d find the fingerprints.”

“It was clever of you to leave them.”

“I do what I can.  Now,” She got a playful smile on her face.  “Kind sir, would you be so kind as to escort a lady into her castle?”

It was amazing to Eric that Calleigh could take the positive out of any situation.  And this had been a bad one.  She was already making jokes.  He loved that about her.  Of course, he loved her, but that just made him love her more.  He smiled.  And held out his arm, bent at the elbow, and said, “I’d love to, mi’lady.”  He felt so corny saying it, but she started it. 

          “Thank you, handsome knight.” She smiled, trying to keep from laughing.  And she took his arm, getting out her key with the other hand.  He walked her up to the front door and she unlocked it, going in.  He looked around.  “Wow, it’s been a long time since I was here last.  It looks nice.”

          “I should have let you come for dinner sometime… I’m really bad at that.”

          “It probably wouldn’t have been proper, since we work so closely together.”

She put a hand on his shoulder.  “I don’t feel that way about you, and us anymore, Eric.  I said what I said before because I was afraid.  I thought that if we got together, something might go wrong, and we wouldn’t be friends, or that one of us would have to give up our jobs to make it work, and I knew neither of us wanted that.  But I knew in my heart that in the longrun it didn’t matter.”

          “What exactly are you telling me, Cal?” he looked like he needed to be told the truth no matter if it was good or bad.   She couldn’t say anything.  She just put her arms around him, getting up on her tiptoes and kissing him.  This time, it wasn’t on the cheek, it was on the lips.  At first, it was just a gentle, soft kiss, but then she got closer and kissed a little harder.  She knew he was shocked.  But he kissed her back, so she knew everything was ok.  She had noticed a change in his posture and his arm went around her tiny waist.  There was something in the way he held her, and for like, the millionth time, she asked herself why she’d chosen Jake instead of him.  Now that she thought about it, where was Jake during all this.   Had he even inquired about her?  Somehow, she doubted that, and he definitely didn’t come looking for her.  It was just like him to not be the hero.  But when Calleigh really got to the heart of the matter, she ralized she already knew Jake wasn’t the guy for her, and that he wouldn’t be the prince who came and rescued her.  And she realized she didn’t want him to.  She was glad that Eric was the one who had been sort of at the head of the rescue operation.  He hadn’t said this, but Natalia had pulled her aside when she got back, to tell her, for one, how glad she was that Calleigh was ok, but also, that she should thank Eric because as upset and worried as he was with the whole kidnaping, he held it together and he stopped at nothing to make sure she was safe.  Calleigh had smiled, a look of only mild surprise on her face.  “He’s a good man.”

          “You better believe it, bullet girl.” And she had walked away.

And now, as Eric held her, she could feel his heart beat, and she smiled.  And finally, she couldn’t wait any longer.  She had to tell him how she really felt.  She started, a little shakey.  “I-“ at first, that was all she could get out. 

          “Hmm?” He inquired into her hair.  She was surprised he’d even heard it.  He’s very attentive, I guess. 

          “I love you,” She finally got out.  “So very much, Eric.  I can’t explain it. I just want you to know that I’ve never said it to any man, other than family, so it’s not something I say that means nothing.  It carries a lot of weight.  You’re the first guy I’ve told.  As you know, my love is not easily won, but, you’ve won it.”

He looked dumbfounded.  But then, he smiled.  “Really?”


          “You know I love you too.”

“Yes, I know that, Eric.”  And as she said this, her eyes filled with tears.  She laid her head on his strong shoulder, and Eric didn’t care that she was getting his shirt wet.  All he cared about was that Calleigh was ok, and that she loved him.  It was all that mattered.  Calleigh had been through hell,  and he wanted her to be able to let it all out-all the fear and anger, sadness.  She kept things inside so often that it made her hurt even more.  He kissed her neck softly, just to let her know that he cared about her.  He wanted her to know that she could tell him anything.  She took a deep breath.  “I was afraid.  I had to do what they said.  I had no choice.  When Tommy went to the store, Seth made me stand against the wall, that’s where I made the 60.  He told me, ‘Tommy’s out running errands.  I thought me and you could waste a little time.’ I looked at him and I said that I’d rather die than have him touch me.  He was furious and hit me.  I fell to the ground and he got on top  of me, sticking the gun in my face.  He asked me if I had any last words.  I said that I didn’t think he called the poker player.  That’s-“ She began to cry again.  “That’s the only reason he let me live.”

And he knew she couldn’t say anything else. “It’s ok, Cal.  I’m here.  Nothing’s gonna happen to you now.”

She wheezed, trying not to choke on her tears.  “Shh.  Shh.  It’s ok, sweetheart.  It’s ok.”

She nodded.  She knew it was true.  It was good he was there. 

Chapter 3: Nightmares

The only time Eric left Calleigh’s side that night, was when he ran home for a bit to throw some clothes in a bag to take to her place, so he could change in the morning.  He had decided to sleep on Calleigh’s couch for the night.  This time, she hadn’t said anything banning “midnight tip toes.” Not that he was planning on trying anything.  He was sleeping soundly when he heard something and woke up.  He noticed that it sounded like Calleigh, and he realized the sound was crying, so he went in and shook her gently awake.  “Hey, Cal, wake up.  You’re having a nightmare.” 

When she opened her eyes, she couldn’t see him because it was dark.  “Who is it?” She asked, not totally with it. 


It was like instantly, she was ok with everything.  “Ok.”

          “I was in the other room and I heard you.  I wanted to make sure you were alright.”

          “I’ll be fine.  Thank you, Eric.”

          “You’re welcome.” He went to leave, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

          ”Hey, Eric, can you please, stay with me.”

          ‘Sure.  Do you want me to sack out on the chair?”

          ‘No.” She patted the bed beside her. “Right here.  Honest, I think I’ll feel better.”

          “Only if you say so.  I am here to help.”

          “You’ll be helping.”

He was a little hesitant, but he got in.  She smiled, kissed his cheek, and told him goodnight.  And he was there to comfort her whenever she needed him.  She woke up several times, and all he had to do was wrap his arms around her and she was ok.  The only time this didn’t work was when she was having a nightmare about Seth trying to rape her.  She pushed Eric away and tried to get up, but he put a hand on her arm and said, “Relax, Calleigh, it’s just me.”

She looked at his, tears in her eyes, and even after resisting originally, she took a deep breath and curled up as close as she could to him.  This was how she felt safe.

Chapter 4

On the dirty warehouse floor.  Musty smell.  Slight decomp.  I open my eyes and see a dead body on the floor.  People are walking in… She dreamed.  Her dream shifted.  “You can be her delivery boy.” Seth said to Tommy.   “Give me a chance to get to know this bitch, one on one.  GO!”  Flash forward.  “Tommy’s out running errands.  I thought maybe me and you could waste a little time.”

Fear.  Determination.  Disgust.  He’s not getting me.  I have to stand my ground.  “I’d rather die than have you touch me.” 

Anger.  Rage.  I hit him, he hits back, and I’m on the floor.  He gets on top of me with the gun in my face and asks me if I have any last words.  I say the only thing I can think of.  “I don’t think you killed the poker player.”

He lets me live. I have proven, once again, that I am valuable.  They cannot get along without me.  Of course, they could still kill me, but it would be their loss… Other thoughts… I don’t want to die.  Words cannot express how much I’d like not to die.  Not just for me though- I’m not that selfish.  Who will take my place at the lab?  How will the team handle it?  How will Eric handle it?  What about my poor old drunk father?  What will happen if I’m gone?  There are so many things I’d like to do that it doesn’t look like I’ll be doing.  I wanted a life.  A home.  A family of my own-husband and kids-all that.  Why didn’t I do it?  Why did I wait?  I might miss out.  What else?  If you really want a family with kids and a husband, how are you going to make it happen if you get out of this?  Who would you want?  Who do you really want, Calleigh?  Girl, make up your mind.  If you think hard enough, and take away all those stupid walls of procedure and propriety you’ve created, and tell yourself you can have anyone you want; which man would you pick?  Who would be the best husband—father to your children, if you choose to have them, who is your best friend?  Answer these honestly, and you’ll know what you should do.  And the only person who has these qualities pops into your mind.  ERIC.  I should be with Eric. 

So, dammit, girl, wake up and tell him what you want.


Chapter 5

She woke up, almost in a panic.  But she knew everything was ok when she saw that Eric’s arms were around her, keeping her safe from the elements.   She smiled a little.  Then, she turned her head to look at him.  God!  He’s gorgeous!  I wouldn’t mind waking up next to him every morning.  And—I’d really like to—she stopped herself for a moment, knowing what she was implying.  But then, she recalled the little voice in her head.  YOU WANT HIM.  And she couldn’t ignore it any longer.  She rolled over, and kissed him until he woke up.  Then, he smiled a little and asked why she was up. 

          Because,” the tone of the word was loaded with emotion, suggestion, almost pleading.  “I love you.  I want you.  And I need you.” She kissed him again.  He had a shocked look on his face.  “I know, it’s a stunner, right?”


          “Well, then this will be too.” She smiled, rolling over on top of him.  His eyes widened a little.  She grinned.  Then, nervously, hoping that she wasn’t making a fool of herself; removed her tank top, and slid off her shorts, kissing him once again, but this time harder and longer with more passion, and that alone told him what she wanted.  He looked a little unsure.  “It’s alright.” She said. 


Eric had never been so shocked by this situation in his life.  In the olden days, getting a girl, for him was not hard.  He could have any girl he wanted, pretty much.   He had had a way of getting girls to sleep with him, not that he remembered what he’d done.  It came easily to him.  But, this was different.  Since the accident, he hadn’t even tried to sleep with anyone.  For a while, to him, it was unclear as to why.  Part of him might have thought it was because he feared he’d lost it, along with his memory.  Another part just didn’t care.  A bigger part though—wanted Marisol to be proud of him.  And then—he realized that it was because he loved Calleigh.   He didn’t want to be the guy who would have one night stands with random girls and forget their names.  He wanted to change.  He wanted to be someone who deserved Calleigh.  It had taken so long to even get her to admit that maybe there was something there that he never really thought anything would come of it.  That had hurt worse than any bullet.  But somehow, he still couldn’t bring himself to give her up.  Something would always happen to bring him back to her.   And most of it was none of his doing.  Mostly, it was Calleigh.  She’d give him a smile, toss her hair, wave to him—and his heart was right back to beating for her.  But now, after the rescue, it was like, that was what it took to get her to realize how much he loved her, and maybe that she felt the same.  And now, as she looked at him, he saw love and longing in her eyes.  It was for real.  He was a little hesitant, mainly because it all seemed too sudden; but it felt right.  “Are you sure?” He asked, trying to make sure she was ok with this. 

          “I’m sure.”

          “You should know that it’s been a long time since—you know… And since the accident I haven’t—.”

She put a finger to his lips.  “It’s ok.  I don’t mind.  It’s been a long time for me too, so we’re probably both a bit rusty, but you know, babe, it doesn’t matter.  It’ll all come naturally.”


          “Good.” She blushed.  And then, she got a seductive look on her face.  “Now, take these off and make love to me.”

And he had to admit, those were words he’d never hear, especially from her, but, then again, he didn’t mind.  He did what she said, and when it happened, he knew that it wasn’t a mistake.  She knew what she was doing.  She was serious.  And she was happy.  He was happy.  It wasn’t just the sex though, although that was fantastic.  He felt something he had never felt before: this was how it was supposed to be.

She smiled.  And even though she was exhausted, Calleigh couldn’t sleep.  She couldn’t stop watching him as her slept.  He was—beautiful and handsome, gorgeous, hot, everything.  But, the thing that struck her was that for the first time in a long time, he looked like he knew where they stood.  He had looked so confused before this whole thing started, with the kidnapping.  But now, things seemed to make sense.  She wasn’t stupid.  She knew he loved her, he had for a long time.  She just never returned it.  But now that she had, they both felt a lot better.  And again, she smiled, laying her head on his chest, finally falling asleep.  This was how she wanted it. 

Chapter 6:

Calleigh awoke the next morning, still in his arms, feeling safe.  She felt fine.  She wasn’t afraid anymore.  And she kissed his neck, feeling lucky. This was how it could be, possibly from now on.  She wanted that.   She had everything right now.  A great job, and a handsome man in her life who loved her with every fiber of his being, someone she loved right back. 

He could feel her there.  It felt like kisses, and the scent of perfume was around him.  When he opened his eyes, Eric could see that Calleigh was on top of him, smiling sweetly.  “Good morning.” She said.

          “Good morning.” He grinned.

          “I know I don’t have to be at work today, but I think I can go back tomorrow like normal.  I’m over this whole thing—I’m not afraid.”

          “Are you sure, Cal?”

          “I’m sure.  You’ll be with me.”

          “That I will.  Hey, did your phone go off at around 7?”

          “Uh-huh.  It was Horatio.  He wanted to make sure I hadn’t gone home alone last night.  I said that I hadn’t, and he chuckled a little and said, ‘I bet I know who offered to take you home.’  I told him that I thought he was probably right, and I told him to take a stab at it.  He said you, and I said yes.  ‘I’m not surprised’.   Actually, he said he thought it was great.”

          ‘Wow.  Does he know about—“

          “The sex?  Yeah.  But I didn’t mention it.  It was like he already knew.  Strange, right?”

          “yeah.  Wait… He’s ok with it?  With that?”

          “Uh-huh.  Sweetie, you don’t need to worry.”


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