Friday, November 15, 2013

Impressions: A Pride and Prejudice story (Chapters 1 and 2)

Chapter 1

Mr. Darcy was not comfortable at balls and he never had been.  Sure, he was used to them- being wealthy often meant that one had to endure all kinds of things they would have rather not experienced.  But still, Mr. Darcy wasn’t much for meeting new people.  He kept to himself as best he could, and really felt better that way.  There were only a few people who made him feel truly comfortable- his staff at Pemberley (his estate), his sister, Georgiana who was significantly younger than himself- his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and Charles Bingley, his best friend. He was used to his aunt, Lady Catherine De Bourge, but he couldn’t say she made him comfortable. The same was true with his cousin Anne, or Bingley’s sister, Caroline.  Fitzwilliam Darcy felt that his aunt was a pompous, unpleasant woman who thrived on making people feel as though they weren’t good enough.  She liked to intimidate everyone, even him- and she had been trying to link Anne and himself in marriage since their infancy.  At the thought of that, Darcy shuddered.  Anne was nice enough, but she had virtually no personality and they had nothing in common. Plus, she was his cousin, and Darcy couldn’t imagine marrying his cousin no matter how normal it was considered in that time.  Caroline Bingley was pernicious.  That was all he would say about her.  Charles was the baby of the family, and he didn’t particularly feel comfortable around his sister either.   But Charles and Caroline made him feel at least partially comfortable right now at this ball simply because he knew them- whereas he didn’t know anyone else.

Darcy and his party had been there no less than five minutes when Bingley struck up a friendship with everyone in the room.  And in another five minutes, he was dancing with a lovely young woman- she was handsome, with blonde hair, blue eyes, a striking smile, and a lithe, slender figure.  They looked to be hitting it off, and Darcy already saw sparks flying between the two.

Darcy looked around for a place to sit-to be away from everything, and what caught his eye next would change his life forever.


          Elizabeth Bennett laughed as her and her dearest friend, Charlotte Lucas danced around in circles, just enjoying being there at the ball.  They had so far enjoyed watching the rich people come in- that sad-looking Mr. Darcy, the pernicious and unpleasant Caroline Bingley, and the extremely friendly Mr. Charles Bingley.  They certainly weren’t from around Meryton! That was for sure.  Now, Jane Bennett, Elizabeth’s older sister was dancing with Bingley and looked to be having a wonderful time.  There was obviously chemistry between the two and that was making her mother, Mrs. Bennett, very happy.  Since Bingley was so rich, that would save the family from destitution once Mr. Bennett passed away- if the two were to marry.  The Bennett Estate at Longbourne was entailed to Mr. Collins- a cousin- since he was the only male relative.  The family found him to be a particularly odious man. 

As Elizabeth danced, however, she could feel eyes on her.


          Mr. Darcy eyed the beautiful brunette who was dancing with a friend.  He watched her smile and laugh, and he watched how full of life she was.  Finally, she caught him staring at her, and he turned away as if he was never looking, but he knew that he would have to talk with her and apologize for his rudeness- just staring at her… It made him supremely nervous, and everything in him wanted to turn and run away, but he couldn’t miss out on this opportunity.  So, he went right up to her.


          Elizabeth Bennett stood with her best friend when the handsome, but nervous and cold-looking Mr. Darcy walked up to them, trying obviously to work up the nerve to talk to her. He’s shy? She wondered.  When he looked into her eyes, she was startled by the depth of them, how it seemed they could peer into her soul.  She was so startled that she tripped over her skirt. Mr. Darcy extended a hand and pulled her back up. Now, she was nervous. She could hardly think of anything to say except, “Thank you, that was most kind.”

          “You’re welcome!  It was my pleasure.  May I have the honor of meeting your acquaintance?”

He was so polite and so eloquent, but Elizabeth couldn’t miss a single thing he said.

          “You most certainly can.  This is my best friend Charlotte Lucas-.” Elizabeth motioned toward her friend. “A pleasure.” Darcy smiled kindly. “Likewise.’’ Charlotte nodded as Mr. Darcy gave a bow and she curtsied.

          “And I- I’m Elizabeth Bennett.”


          Mr. Darcy thought at that moment that he would never hear a more beautiful name in all the rest of his years. Elizabeth Bennett. It rolled off the tongue like poetry. He had to consciously remember to breathe, and he felt his heart warm when she looked at him.  He almost forgot his manners- but he bowed slightly when she curtsied and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Bennett.”

He sincerely hoped it was Miss Bennett and that she wasn’t promised to another man.

She grinned and said, “It’s a pleasure.”

Charlotte looked to Elizabeth and then to him and back again a few times, reading the chemistry between the two. And then she said, “Well, I think I’ll go get some punch.  Lizzie, why don’t you stay with this lovely gentleman and get better acquainted.”

Darcy was surprised that she got it so quickly and couldn’t hide his shock.

Charlotte laughed, “Sorry if this is speaking out of turn- but- you fancy Lizzie, don’t you?”

          “Charlotte!” Elizabeth gave her friend a trying-to-be-stern look that came off looking like a girl who was embarrassed that some huge secret had been revealed…

          “Lizzie, please! I have eyes, I can see the way you’re looking at him.”

Darcy really wanted to make things right, so he took a breath and said, “Thank you, Miss Lucas.  You are correct.  I most certainly fancy Miss Bennett. You have saved me the nervousness by being so upfront.  For that- I commend you.”

Charlotte nodded with a big smile on her face, curtsied and left.

Elizabeth was left with a stunned look on her face for a moment. But then, she said, as if she were surprised, “You fancy me?”

          “Why is that so surprising?”

          “I’m often called plain. I’m sure you have your choice of women… I’m just surprised at the fact that you fancy me-that’s all.”

          “You’re not plain. And I like that you’re different from other women.  It sets you apart.”

          “I hardly know what to say.”

          “You don’t need to say anything- except to answer this question- ‘May I have this dance?’.”


Elizabeth’s mind was racing and she smiled at his sweetness. “Yes, you may.” She answered.

As they danced, Elizabeth felt so safe and familiar even though she had barely been acquainted with the man for five minutes.  She sensed that this was something he didn’t do often and she felt she had to comment on it.

          “This is something terribly uncommon, for you to ask someone to dance, isn’t it?”

          “I have a hard time introducing myself to people I don’t know- yes, this is terribly uncommon, yes.  But somehow, it’s very easy to be around you.”

          “I have observed that the same is true of me with you.”

He smiled.  “I have to be honest- I hate balls because I am uneasy around strangers.”

          “I thought as much, but I am glad that you seem to be so fond of me- and that it’s easy for you to interact with me on this level… You really are a nice fellow, Mr. Darcy.  I hope I’m not being to forthcoming or forward- I know I sometimes have a habit of being too honest too soon- at least that’s what my mother says.”

          “No offense to your mother, but I think your honesty is refreshing.”

          “She’s just concerned that my honesty will drive men away.”

          “One of those.  Ah.”

And Elizabeth had no idea why she said what she said next.  “My mother has a reason to be concerned- at least of the possibility of me missing out on a fellow- for whatever reason… my father’s estate is entailed to our wretched cousin, Mr. Collins, and us five girls can only hope for a good marriage so we won’t be forced to beg on the streets.”

Why in the world did I say that?! That could easily scare poor Mr. Darcy away… All because I am too forthcoming…

She quickly apologized. “There I go again.  I’m sorry, Mr. Darcy- for boring you with that myriad of answers to questions you haven’t asked…”

Mr. Darcy actually smiled as his reply for that, and said, “Don’t apologize. You’re refreshing. I’ve never met such an honest young woman. You, Miss Elizabeth are a fearsome thing to behold.”

That wasn’t what she expected to hear from him, a man of great wealth and circumstance.  He was probably pressured constantly to make a good connection in marriage- and in her situation, she was hardly it… Of course, they were merely dancing, and they had just met- but still. Mr. Darcy was very kind.  “I didn’t make a fool of myself?”

          “No. I’m sure you never could.”

Dance after dance they shared together until the end of the night.  Jane danced with Bingley and young man named Henry Morton asked Charlotte for a dance- which ended up becoming every dance for the rest of the night.  They looked like they were hitting it off, which was good because Mr. and Mrs. Lucas often worried that their daughter wouldn’t ever marry. This at least taught them to hope.

By the time the ball was through, Elizabeth and Darcy were exhausted, yet invigorated with the conversations they had held, and the dances they had danced with each other.  Neither wanted to leave the other when it was time to go, and it was obvious that Mrs. Bennett was thrilled, and also that Caroline was maddened by it.  Upon seeing Elizabeth and Darcy together, and Jane with Bingley, she kept talking about what advantageous marriages they would be… That made Darcy uncomfortable, and Elizabeth apologized on her mother’s behalf.  “She is so obsessive about such things… I know she must be on your last nerve, and I know this is without the slightest bit of propriety- so I whole heartedly apologize… She is being very presumptuous if nothing else. Just because we’re dancing doesn’t mean we’ll fall madly in love and get married.”

          “But, we might.” There was honesty in his eyes that was so refreshing. She had smiled and said, “Yes, we might.”

And it seemed like- in that moment, she had given her new acquaintance an idea that he wouldn’t back down from.  She had sparked his interest.  She wondered why it was so easy for them to strike up a friendship with one another, and actually somewhat decide that they could be something more. It was very interesting, and it was something that neither of them had ever felt before.  Upon noticing that Mrs. Bennett was continuing to talk about what an advantageous partnership Lizzie and Jane were making; Elizabeth sighed. “I apologize again for my mother, Mr. Darcy.  I hope that her lack of decorum won’t be a black mark on my record.”

          “Nonsense.” Darcy smiled as they danced. “I wouldn’t dare make a black mark against you for something that’s obviously beyond your control. Besides, while it’s a little embarrassing, I’ll admit- I actually rather fancy calling on you continually-after tonight- if that’s alright with you and your father.”

Elizabeth coughed in shock.  “You want to see me again?”

          “Of course.”

          “Whoa… Well, I must say-that pleases me greatly.”

          “So if I ask your father about courting you; I will not be overstepping?”

          “Good gracious, no!” She laughed.


And right before the Bennetts left, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley each took a turn asking permission to call on and court Elizabeth and Jane.  Mr. Bennett was thrilled to pieces, although he tried to keep his composure.  He could see the sparks flying between the couples. And even though he didn’t like to give his wife the satisfaction; Mr. Bennett was aware of the dire circumstances the girls could land in if he were to have an untimely demise. He was relieved as Mrs. Bennett was that two wealthy gentlemen were interested in his elder daughters.  He always knew they were the most sensible of all his daughters.  They were definitely the most deserving if nothing else. And he liked Darcy and Bingley- they seemed like fine young fellows.  And they could definitely provide for his girls, which was what he wanted. 


When they got back to Longbourne, Mrs. Bennett pulled Jane and then Elizabeth aside complimenting them on saving the family.  To Elizabeth, she even said, “Oh, my precious girl; Mr. Darcy asked if he could call on you and your father gave his permission!”

          “It’s thrilling isn’t it?!”

          “It most certainly is, my child!  He will be by sometime this week to call on you, and Jane is going to get a visit from Mr. Bingley!  It’s superb the good matches you two have made!”

          “We are happy with our choices, mother, and we are glad that you are too.”

          “Dear girl, we must get you and Jane some more clothes so you’ll be presentable for your distinguished gentlemen.”

          “I won’t argue with that.”

          “Wonderful. We will get on that tomorrow.  We will go into town and pick out some fabric.”

          “Alright, mama.”

Elizabeth finally got a hug from her mother-who always favored Lydia and Kitty over every other child in the family.  Elizabeth knew that she and Jane were more like their father. Mr. Bennett was intelligent and soft-spoken, and he was well-read.  He also knew to mind his own business, which is something that never seemed to occur to Mrs. Bennett.  She often made a fool of herself and the worst part was that she often-times didn’t get why everyone acted embarrassed around her. And that night, as Jane and Elizabeth changed for bed, they recounted the ball and the feelings that they had come upon for the first time that night.




Elizabeth, Jane and their mother returned from town fairly early and Mrs. Bennett got the servants working on dresses for the two girls.  Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley only waited a day to call on the Bennett girls.  Darcy had received some harsh looks from Caroline- as had Charles- because of the young ladies they had decided to call on. She insisted that Darcy and her brother were fools for going after inferior girls.  Mr. Darcy largely ignored her comments until she said such a wretched thing, and he lost his temper at her. “Caroline,  I am a grown man, and I am in complete control of my faculties.  Miss Elizabeth is a delightful young woman, and if I want to court her, it isn’t your place to impede me.  And your brother likewise is able to make a decision regarding whom he wants to be with- so I suggest, fairly strongly- - that you stop endeavoring to persuade us to relinquish our pursuit of The Bennett girls. They are none of your concern, and their lack of wealth doesn’t concern Charles or myself- so I also suggest that you not speak a harsh word to us about who we want to spend our time with.”  

Caroline had been severely taken aback, and had thus refused to acknowledge that he even existed for the rest of the day.  As they rode to Longbourne, Charles admitted that he was glad that Darcy had spoken up and put Caroline in her place.

And now, they were both at the estate and happy to be there.  Elizabeth was the one who answered the door and seemed a little surprised to see them so soon.

          “I had to see you again Eliz- I mean, Miss Elizabeth.” Darcy had no idea why he had suddenly forgotten all his propriety.

          “It’s alright.  I really don’t mind.” She saw Bingley behind Darcy and smiled, saying, “I’ll go get Jane.”

          “That’s most kind, Miss Elizabeth.” Charles Bingley said in his shy voice.  It was obvious that he was smitten with Jane and that he was fond of her too. 

They had a lovely visit and Mrs. Bennett insisted that Darcy and Bingley stayed for dinner. As the gentlemen were leaving, Mr. Darcy looked at Jane and Lizzie and smiled, “Bingley and I would like the two of you to dine with us at Netherfield Hall. Is tomorrow too soon?”

          “Not at all.” The sisters said in unison.

          “Good” Mr. Bingley smiled broadly. “Then we shall send a handsome cab for you tomorrow afternoon.”

          “Delightful! We will look forward to it.” Elizabeth smiled.

Mr. Bingley smiled and asked Jane if they might take a turn about the garden for a few moments, and she nodded her consent.  With the two gone, Darcy stood there with Elizabeth.  “Are you sure it isn’t too soon for dinner tomorrow?”

          “Of course not!  I  am very excited about it.  I know Jane is too.”

Darcy looked relieved at that.

Elizabeth felt the corner of her mouth twist into a smile. “Poor Mr. Darcy, so uptight!  I do not mean to vex you so.”

          “Oh, it isn’t really you per say… It is my own apprehensions and the depth of my feelings for you that vex me considerably.”

          “Well, I said ‘Yes’ didn’t I?  I mean what I say.”

          “I believe you do.”

He smiled, but it looked like he still had something on his mind, so she raised an eyebrow and said, “Is something the matter?”

          “Well, I hope that this will not offend you too deeply- it isn’t something I want to say, and I can’t stress enough the fact that it is not I who feels this way…”

          “Mr. Darcy, you can be honest with me- I can take it.”

          “Alright.”  They sat in the parlor and he said quietly, so hopefully no nosy ears would hear; “May I speak plain?”

          “You may speak as plain as you like.  I don’t mind at all.”

          “Alright…” He took a deep breath, and forced out, “I like you, and Bingley likes Jane- considerably- each of us… But our respective families are very unhappy with us because of it.  I don’t particularly care what they think of me, and I know the same goes of Charles- but I wanted you to know because I don’t want you or Jane to be surprised by their coldness when it comes to either of you.  The both of you are delightful.”

          “That doesn’t surprise me- that they wouldn’t be thrilled… We do want for connections, and we aren’t as educated or accomplished as the women that you usually find in your circles… I appreciate you being honest… and I am glad to hear that you and Bingley are fond of us poor country girls.  It says a lot, and it’s a big relief.”

          “Why’s that?” He asked as the fire in the fireplace crackled.

          “Because Jane and I like Bingley and yourself- considerably.”

Darcy smiled, brushing a hair out of Elizabeth’s eyes. “There is something else- but I think you already answered my question before I asked- I was concerned at first that your sister didn’t feel as strongly for Charles as he felt for her- but you just said that Jane likes him, so I will take your word for it.”

          “She does.  My sister is very shy.  She hardly shows her true feelings for me.  You don’t have to fear that her attraction is less than Mr. Bingley’s- for I know she adores him.”

          “That is a relief.  I am sorry if I stepped over a line… It’s just- Charles is my very best friend and I know he falls in love too easily.  I also know that since his sister is so unhappy about this relationship- I don’t want him to strain a relationship if he doesn’t have to.”

          “I understand that.  I admire you for being so loyal to him.  I try to be very loyal to Jane, but I know that she tends to keep everything inside.  That is where we are different- we react to things differently, and I tend to be more vocal than Jane at so many things.  I am sorry if her shyness convinced either of you that she was anything but incredibly fond of Mr. Bingley.”

          “Do you think she loves him? I know it’s only been a few days, but I know Charles, and he’s madly in love with her already.”

Elizabeth smiled.  “I know she loves him.”

The grin on Darcy’s face could brighten a room. “Thank you for clearing that up.”

          “Now, can you clear something up for me?” She looked into his eyes letting them ask her question for her.  He looked down and then laughed slightly- “yes, Miss Elizabeth; I love you- most ardently.”

She was so relieved and she was so happy when he rested his forehead against her’s and kissed her lightly.  She kissed him back, all of a sudden remembering that this was her very first kiss. And she smiled as the words, “And most ardently-I love you too” crossed her lips.  It felt so good. This is how she always imagined she would feel when she met the person she was going to spend the rest of her life with.


That night, upon returning to Netherfield; Darcy and Charles smiled at their visit with the Bennetts.

          “I’m happy to report, Charles- that Miss Jane is just as in love with you as you are with her!”

          “Oh Heavens! I can’t tell you what a relief that is!  She’s so polite that I was concerned.”

          “Well, Miss Elizabeth is her sister and she said that she knew Jane loved you- she also said that her sister is very shy and doesn’t often share her feelings even with Elizabeth.”

          “This is such a relief!  Does Miss Elizabeth love you?”

          “Yes.  She was very upfront about it, and for once, I was upfront about my affections.”

Charles had a grin so big that it took up his whole face almost.  “This is such a welcome change, Darcy! I am glad to see that you are so smitten with someone after all this time. I often wondered if you would fall in love, but I’m glad that you have… And Elizabeth is an amazing creature!”

          “Yes, she is!  And so is Jane. She’s as pretty and sweet as they come and she is so very sensible- a good head on her shoulders!”

          “That she does.  And Elizabeth; she’s a spitfire!  She just says what’s on her mind- but somehow- she never offends!  She is intelligent as all get out, and the moment I met her, I knew she would be perfect for you if you would give her the time of day- and without me even having to set it up, you struck up a conversation with her on your own.  And for that, I am ever so glad- you are my dearest friend and I am thrilled that we are finally to be brothers- even if it’s just in-law…”

          “It thrills me as well, Charles!” He clapped his friend on the back.

          “She has bewitched you, you know? I see it.  And I am happy for it!”

          “As am I.  We have such good fortune!”

          “Yes, we are lucky to have met such gorgeous, sweet and kind young ladies… it may be a little soon- a little too forward to talk this way so soon, but I believe we have found the future mistresses of our estates.”

          “Yes… Indeed!  I find myself coming to that same conclusion!” Darcy grinned.


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