Friday, November 15, 2013

Lucky Star (a Singin' In The Rain fanfic)

Lucky Star: A Singin’ In the Rain Fanfic

By: Cindy Miller



Dear Diary,

Today was the most frustrating day!  First, my boss rearranged my schedule and I ended up having to rehearse more for the party tonight, and THEN, he decided that it would be nice to make me train one of the new girls!  And THEN, on my way to the party, a strange man jumped into my car!  I thought he was a gangster! I knew I had seen him before.  To my embarrassment, it was Don Lockwood, the movie star!  And he was so frustrating! He was all full of himself at the beginning, so I gave his ego a kick, and he didn’t appreciate that.  He actually looked a bit hurt But then he said some things and I said some things, and it got a bit out of hand.  I let him out so he could get a new tux since his was all torn up by fans. I never expected to see him again, but when I went to work at the party, there he was, irritating as always, and to make things worse, when I went to throw a cake at him, I smashed the cake in Lina Lamont’s face and she was furious!  I just ran off, bolted right out of the house. I haven’t been so upset in a long time.  And now, I’m so exhausted that I am even having a hard time staying awake to write this, and now, I have to get to sleep.  Goodnight for now,

Always, Kathy

Chapter 1


Don Lockwood couldn’t sleep.  He had danced around his bedroom in his monogrammed, red pajamas. That Kathy Seldon was a spitfire!  He had never thought someone so irritating could be so adorable, but somehow, as he watched her dance and sing, he knew that he had met someone very special! Some things happen when you least expect them, and this was no exception. Kathy was a different breed of girl; different than all the other girls he had ever met-especially in his profession.  Most of them were airheaded and wouldn’t know quality if it hit them in the face.  Most of them would expect to be wined and dined at the finest restaurants in town, and would expect to receive fancy gifts, and maybe a condo or something in  Beverly Hills- but, Kathy wasn’t someone that was easy to win over.  She was the first girl that hadn’t fallen for his charm, and merely followed along with everything he was doing.  She had a mind of her own, and she was feisty- not easy to impress.  And the girl had talent.  Her voice was terrific, and she danced on a dime.  He found that Miss Seldon was a reoccurring dream after a day or two, and he realized that he was going to have to go looking for her.  That was the only thing he could do! He couldn’t get her out of his head.



I can’t believe it! I just got fired!  All because I threw a pie at Don Lockwood, and hit his co-star, Lina Lamont What am I going to do?! This is so irritating!  I am absolutely appalled at all this!  That Don Lockwood gets on my last nerve and I end up getting fired!  Uhg!  I am so angry!  I’m so mad that I can’t even continue writing this! I’m just going to go to bed!




Luckily, I just got hired by Monumental Pictures!  They wanted me as a dancer in one of their musical pictures!  I had been playing at being an extra, but the pay is very unstable, and I thought I was going to lose my apartment!  But, my old boss at the Coconut Grove gave me a good recommendation.  He said that he didn’t want to fire me, but Lina threatened to close the club if he didn’t I told him that I understood, and I guess I do I just find it so annoying that the whole thing happened because I was mad at Lockwood!  I did notice however, that Mr. Lockwood looked like Lina deserved the pie in the face, which made me feel a little better despite the fact that I’m still angry at him, and I still got fired.  I have half a mind to look him up, and get revenge on him, although I think he probably doesn’t even remember me anymore, so it would be fairly pointless.  Plus, I could end up getting in even bigger trouble than he’s worth.  And he DID sort of do me a favor in a way. I really needed a better job, and I didn’t want to look for one.  I was afraid to move on because I was afraid of messing with a good thing.  I had actually been offered a bit part in a movie but turned it down because I already had a job, but now, I know better.  Getting fired was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.  It seems very peculiar to me! But, nevertheless, I am looking forward to going to work tomorrow!

Always, Kathy



Don Lockwood sighed audibly for the thirty-fourth time in three hours, and his best friend, Cosmo Brown rolled his eyes. “What are you sighing at?! You’ve been doing that all day, and it’s getting a bit old.”

Don sat up in his chair and sipped his Coke before answering, with a long face.  He looked down in the dumps, and had looked that way for about two weeks. Whatever was eating him must be something really troubling. Don was usually happy-go-lucky.  He didn’t get down easily.  But he had looked like he lost his dog or something for two weeks, so something must be awry. 

               “Kathy Seldon.”

That was all Don said, but that was all Cosmo needed to hear.

               “You’re still upset about that, huh? Wow, this lady has done something that many ladies have only dreamed of- she’s got you pining!”

               “I can’t find her anywhere!  I’ve looked in the Classifieds to see if she maybe went after a job, but when I called all the listed companies, she hasn’t been to them. She got fired because of me… I feel terrible! And worse, I know I’m trouble to her, but I can’t stop thinking about her.  She got me right here.” He put a hand over his heart.

               “Well, keep looking, and I’ll help you.  Assuming she stayed in Hollywood, there are only so many places she could be.”

               “Thank you, Cos’; you’re a good friend.”

               “You’re welcome.  If you’re all in a twist about her, there must be something to her.”

               “You’re right.”


For a week, Don looked, and Cosmo helped, but nothing.  That day, however, was the first day of shooting for the new picture, The Dueling Cavalier which was a welcome change of pace.  It was unfortunate though, that they stopped shooting because of the uproar that occurred with The Jazz Singer and the fact that it was a talking picture. R.F. had to pull the plug so that they could bring the studio up to date with the new equipment.  Having nothing to do for a few weeks; Cosmo and Don pretty much wandered around the studio, or stayed at home. Eventually, they resumed shooting, but it wasn’t going so well.  Lina couldn’t get the hang of the new method of recording.  Her voice was shrill and annoying as always, and she couldn’t-for the life of her, figure out where the microphone was.  She couldn’t act the way she was used to acting, because it just didn’t work that way anymore.  After a frustrating day at the office, Cosmo went for a stroll around the lot where they were filming a musical.  He ended up finding Don’s mystery girl.  He came into the studio where Don was rehearsing his lines, and grabbed him. “What’s up?”

               “You’ll see.” Cosmo smiled as he dragged his friend down the hall and across the lot.

               “What’s going on?”

               “Fine! I was going to keep it a surprise, but since you’re being so insistent, fine- I’ll tell you!” He turned to Don and said, “I found Miss Selden.”

And he dragged Don across a few empty stages.  Don was speechless, which was a good thing because Cosmo really didn’t have the energy to explain the story.  Actually, the hardest thing would be to FIND a story in it.  Cosmo really had just come across Kathy.  He really had just come to watch the show since he was in between assignments.  They weren’t ready on the set yet, so he was just trying to stave off boredom- which was when he found Kathy… there really wasn’t some grand setting where he tracked her down or hired a private detective to find her… He just found her.  When they got to the stage, Don saw Kathy as she was talking with a producer and director, and R.F. they were giving her a job as the kid sister of the star- Zelda’s character.  But when Kathy saw Don, she told them that she wasn’t interested and Cosmo and Don looked at each other, then at the members of the crew, then back at Kathy.  “In case you don’t remember, I’m the one who hit Miss Lamont with a cake.”

But Don fought to keep her on the job. He said it was great that they were giving her a shot, and she seemed surprised.  After everything was settled, Cosmo looked at her and said, “Thank heaven’s we found you.  We’ve been looking inside every cake in town.”

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