Friday, November 15, 2013

Who Knows? (a CSI Miami-CSI New York Crossover fanfic)

P.S: this story is really old.

CSI NY and CSI Miami Crossover Story: Who Knows?

By Cindy Miller

Chapter 1: Getting There

Lindsey Monroe had just crawled into bed beside her boyfriend of a few months, another detective and CSI, Danny Messer.  It was quiet-late.  It had been a really long day and she was glad to be home.  She had no sooner turned on the light when her cell phone rang. She answered it.  “Monroe.”

               “Lindsey, it’s Mac.  Don’t worry, I’m not going to make you come in again.  As soon as this is over you can go back to sleep.”

               “Ok, what’s up?”

               “Is Danny with you?”

               “Yeah.  He’s right here.  Do you want him to hear this too?”

               “Yeah.  Put it on SPEAKER.”

She did, and then Mac proceeded to tell them what was up.  “You know that Browman case?”

               “The one where the creep from Miami killed a girl, and then came to New York on a rampage?” Danny had a flair for the dramatic. 

               “Yes.  The Miami Crime Lab wants us to have all the background on the case, so Horatio Caine is sending his two best CSI’s to our aide.  They’ll be here tomorrow.  I didn’t want you guys to get in and not know what was going on.  I’ll be showing them around in the morning when they get here.”

               “Who’s he sending?” Danny asked.  “Hopefully it’s that ‘bullet girl’ everyone always talks about.”

               “Well, you’re right there, Danny.  He’s sending Calleigh Duquesne.  He’s also sending Eric Delko.”

               “Oh, I wanted to talk to him over the computer when we did that one case with them.  I never got the chance.  I worked with the dead guy-Speedle… Before he was dead…” He trailed.

               “Well, you’ll have plenty of time to work with both of them.  They’ll be here for a week.”

               “They can stay at our place.  We’ve got room.” Lindsey said. 

               “Alright. I’ll mention that to them.  Well, that’s all I wanted to tell you.  I guess I’ll see you guys bright and early.”

               “That you will.” Lindsey told him.  When they hung up, she asked Danny, “So, these people, do you know them?”

               “Not really.  I know them by name and reputation.  I don’t know them personally.  But from what Mac says, they’re very good friends, a great team.”

               “Well then, I will look forward to working with them.” She smiled.  He kissed her cheek and told her good night and that he loved her.  She felt so lucky to be with him.


Calleigh Duquesne had to admit that she wasn’t thrilled with the idea of going on this trip with Eric.  It wasn’t that she didn’t like him, nothing like that.  It just- things were so weird now-after that day when she had kissed his cheek…  She didn’t know why she had done it, and at the moment, she didn’t regret it.  Actually, she still didn’t, but it had started something that she didn’t want to-couldn’t finish.  And then, after all the flirting, she’d gone back with Jake, almost as if she expected Eric to just get over it, get over her.  She knew he was hurt, and that was something that hurt her.  She took a deep breath.  They were on the plane now.  He hadn’t said but five or six words to her the entire trip, and she knew it was because he didn’t want to say something to make her uncomfortable.  But she could see in his eyes, he wanted to.  And she couldn’t let him.  Her stomach churned.  He was sitting right next to her, but it felt like he was miles away.  In a way, that’s how she wanted it.  But, this whole thing had put a dent in their friendship.  That was probably the most painful thing.  He had never been anything but kind to her and she had let him down.  She took a deep breath.  “I’m sorry.” She said, very quietly.  He turned to her.             “What?”

“I’m sorry, for letting you down.”

“Calleigh, you didn’t let me down.  You just- led me on.  I’m not sure which one is worse… But you know, it’s all good.  If you’re happy with Jake, whatever, I guess I’ll just have to get over it.  I’ll try to be ok with him but I can’t be expected to like him.”

“I don’t expect that from you.”


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