Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lessons in Death (A Grey's Anatomy fanfic-that is REALLY old)

Lessons In Death 
By: Cindy Miller 
“Am I dead?” She asked the two figures beside her. Everything seemed a lot 
whiter than normal, surreal, which is why she asked the question.  She got a 
“Hell Yeah!” Denny said. 
“B-But I can’t be dead.” 
“You’re dead.” The bomb guy said, matter of factly. 
“B-but I have so much to do...There’s a disaster around the hospital.  What 
about my John Doe and the little girl...Who’s watching out for them? Who is 
helping them?” 
“Your John Doe is gonna be fine.  You saved his life.  And the little girl is 
with her mother.  She guided Dr. Shepherd to you.  He dove down and got you. You 
had hypothermia and he tried to do CPR and Mouth-To-Mouth on you, but it didn’t 
work.  He got you to an ambulance and took you to the hospital where many 
doctors worked on you.  He stayed for as long as they would let him and didn’t 
want to leave.  They said he couldn’t do anything more for you.  So, he sat 
outside the door, upset, worried, grieving... Feeling helpless.” 
Her breath caught in her throat. Her heart sank to her stomach. “How is he?  Is 
he alright?  You said he jumped in to save me... The water is cold...He could be 
sick, because of me...” 
“He is fine.  Physically... All he can do is wait.  The doctors are doing all 
they can for you, using paddles and medicine, giving you blankets... Even Dr. 
Montgomery is helping.  And Dr. Sloan is sitting right beside Dr. Shepherd, 
trying to comfort him, but you know Sloan...” 
“He’s a pompous asshole.” 
“You know him well... They paged your intern friends. They’re outside the door.  
Dr. Yang tried to go in to help.  Dr. Burke made her go.  For once, she looks 
helpless... And Dr. O’Malley is trying not to show it, but he’s crying.  Dr. 
Karev is spaced out... Seen too many dead bodies today, doesn’t want yours to be 
one of them... And Dr. Stevens, she was so happy earlier because she did an 
amazing surgery, drilling holes in someone’s skull with a power-drill.  But it 
doesn’t matter now.  She’s sad and upset, but she’s trying to be calm, trying to 
calm the others.  She’s giving a speech right now.  She thinks you’ll get 
through this.” 
Meredith felt worse and worse as he kept talking.  She felt like she was letting 
them all down by dying.  She wanted her best friend, Christina with her.  She 
wanted Derek holding her.  She didn’t want them to worry, be sad.  “Why are they 
all so damn sad!  We’re doctors. People get sick, and hurt, and they die every 
day.  Why am I different... Why does this bother them so much?” 
“Dr. Grey, not to say that the other deaths don’t mean anything, or hurt them at 
all, but it’s different.  With anyone else, it’s impersonal.  But with family or 
friends, it hurts more than anything.  You’re their friend.  You’re one of them.  
If it weren’t your body in the lake, it might be theirs.  They realize, again, 
that they can die.  To George, Izzy, Alex, and Christina, you’re family.  You 
eat together.  George and Izzy live in your house. Christina’s your best friend.  
It bothers them.  And Derek... It bothers him.  You’re not just a friend, you’re 
his girlfriend.  He loves you more than life itself. And even though he may not 
always treat you the best, he loves you, and he feels truly guilty when he hurts 
you.  He knows he’s messed up.  He thinks he doesn’t deserve you.  And maybe he 
doesn’t, but he’s right outside the door with nothing to do but wait and worry.  
Wait for you to die, or to live.  All he can do is contemplate what life will be 
like without you, his Meredith.  Everyone sees it, the way he feels about you.  
They know you’re the best thing that ever happened to him... Even Addison knows, 
and now, she’s ok with it because he’s happy.  She stood over your body and 
begged you not to die.” 
“What did she say?” She was crying uncontrollably. 
“She said, come on, Meredith, don’t do this. When she walked the room and saw 
that it was your body on the hospital bed, she said, Oh god! Truly in distress.  
She doesn’t hate you. She’s very upset that you’re in this state. And I find it 
amazing that Sloan is sitting by Derek and Derek doesn’t mind.  Isn’t that 
“Yes.  Are you telling me that bastard has a heart after-all?” 
“That I am.  Do you want to see?” 
“Yes.” She said.  This was something you had to see and hear to believe.  And 
she saw Derek sitting next to Sloan, looking like there was a hole in his heart.  
Christina was almost crying, a rare sight.   Izzy was pacing.  Alex looked 
catatonic, almost.  And George, he was crying. In the room, it was a frenzy.  
Dr. Burke and Bailey were trying their hardest to revive her poor blue body, and 
Addison was looking very upset, trying to come up with a solution.  She gave out 
several ideas in desperation.  The Chief looked like he was losing his daughter 
or something.  She knew why.  Him and her mother had an affair all those years 
back.  People thought she didn’t know, but she did.  Almost every person she 
knew was either in the room or outside of it.  
“Believe it now?” 
“You are loved, Meredith Grey.” 
“Will they be ok, all of them? They all look so sad.” 
“You’re not just people, Meredith.  You’re Meredith Grey.  You’re their friend, 
roommate, employee, colleague, lover.  You mean something to all these people.  
You’re not just another person.  You’re a fine doctor, Meredith.  I usually 
don’t give out this kind of life info, but for you, I will. Had you lived, you 
would keep being an intern, work your way up the chain, one day become Chief of 
“Seriously?  Seriously!” Her eyes lit up. 
“Seriously. You were going to be just fine. And before I forget, Christina has 
something to tell you, but I can’t tell you.” 
She gave him a dirty look.  “I’m dead.  She can’t tell me now.” 
“Ok... Ok... Her and Dr. Burke are engaged.  She was going to tell you.  She was 
looking for you. She told Burke not to tell anyone until she told you, but he 
thought she already talked to you, so he told Derek and then she got pissed.  
Burke told Derek not to say anything, and he didn’t but the Chief heard...” 
“She’s angry.” 
“Yes.  Very.” 
“But I’m so happy for them.  They’ll be fine.” 
“Yes, but Derek will never be fine.  You were the only one he truly loved. Even 
Sloan and Addison realize that.  They care enough about him to know that he’s 
happy with you.  They want you to stay around.  And they care about you too.  
You’re the last person they want to see die, all of them.  Derek is really 
She broke down again.  This was horrible.  For her own life’s sake, she didn’t 
care about dying... It wasn’t like for herself she needed to be alive.  She 
wanted to live for Derek and Christina, Izzy, Alex and George.  She wanted to 
live for the hospital and her mother.  How was her mother? Would she be ok? 
Would she remember her daughter?  Denny, who hadn’t said anything since they 
started this conversation about death, said, “You’re mother will have her good 
days and bad days, like normal.  Some days, she’ll remember you, and others, she 
Meredith couldn’t really expect anything different.  She knew how her mother 
was.  If she could have anything from her mother, it would be, for her to accept 
that Meredith was happy, and that she could do both, be a doctor and a 
girlfriend.  She could be happy, and still carry on being a doctor.  She could 
do that and she wanted her mother to realize that, be ok with it.  She wanted 
her to like Derek. 
“My mother knew, without him saying anything directly related to their 
relationship, that he was my boyfriend... She has ways... And she was not ok 
with it.  She yelled at him.  She accused him of being the reason I’m so 
indecisive, and of damaging my career.  She was so awful... But... I was awful 
too... Not then, but today... I was in a really foul mood this morning. He was 
just trying to see what was the matter and I jumped all over him.  He tried to 
ask me what was wrong.  He asked if it was something he did. No. Something I 
did. No. Then he said, Do you wanna get married? I was shocked. No, I don’t want 
to get married.  I looked at him like he was a lunatic. I was so thrown off by 
it... I had been thinking about it when my mom said my having a boyfriend, my 
being in love was hurting my career, and that she was disappointed in me.  I 
want to get married... I love Derek... I just am afraid that maybe my mom is 
right.  I don’t want her to be right.  I think I can handle it.  I’m handling 
it. Derek knows what it’s like.  He was married before.  They were both 
doctors... They are still doctors.  They aren’t together, but still, Derek knows 
and understands. I want to prove my mom wrong... but this morning, I almost 
proved her right.  I was snotty and nasty to him. I let my mom get to me.” She 
looked into space.  Then she realized in horror, “The last thing I said to Derek 
was, No, I don’t want to get married. That’s awful. I’m a terrible person...” 
She was really upset. 
“What is this?  She’s hypothermic, unconscious, no pulse, but she’s crying?  
That doesn’t make any sense. Does it?” The Chief said, more than a little 
“We know she’s sick, but I think she has a broken heart.” Addison said, looking 
at her face.  Her eyes were closed, but her eyelids were twitching a little. 
“Could it be something that happened before the accident? A trigger?  A fight, 
argument, a death, sickness. Something she said?  Something someone else said?”  
Dr. Bailey said. Addison looked at Bailey, the Chief, and then at Burke. 
“Someone, go ask Derek what the last thing she said to him was.  That could be 
They looked at her for a moment, as if they weren’t sure that was the best idea, 
but Burke stepped out and went straight to Derek, asking him.  He lifted his 
head and said, “The last thing Mere said to me was, No, I don’t want to get 
married.  I only asked because she was perturbed about something, and nothing I 
could think of, was what she was mad about.  So, I picked something that I had 
been thinking about.  The two of us have been together a long time, and we love 
each other... I thought that maybe she was waiting for me to commit or 
something... I don’t know.  I don’t understand women.  We aren’t supposed to. 
But, yeah, that’s the last thing she said to me.  Why are you asking?” 
“Here’s something we don’t have in our medical journals.  She isn’t breathing.  
She has no pulse. She is severely hypothermic, but yet, she’s crying.  Can you 
explain that?” 
“A broken heart? She’s dying of a broken heart?” 
“Not necessarily.  It’s the hypothermia, but I think the stress isn’t helping.  
Were there any recent conflicts with you and her, or with anyone here, family?” 
“Um... She’s been mad about something, but she won’t tell me what... You know 
how she is.  It was a little tense with us, but that was the only thing, with me 
anyway... I do remember her saying something about fighting with her mother, and 
that her mother didn’t approve of Mere having a boyfriend. Guilty there, I 
“That could do it. Did you talk to her mother, when you told her about the 
“I did... Oh...” And he remembered.  He stood up. “She asked me a question like 
why I couldn’t give her more answers, and I said that I wasn’t an Alzheimer’s 
expert.  She asked me why I was in charge of her case.  I tried not to say it, 
but she dragged it out of me, and I said that her daughter asked me to.  That 
was all I said, and she knew.  She yelled at me... Said I was the bastard who 
was screwing up her daughter’s life. That’s why Mere hadn’t picked an area to 
specialize in.  She was too busy being in love.  So silly. You know, until that 
day, I didn’t realize why Meredith was scared of her mother.  She seemed ok to 
me, from what I heard from other people... She was a great surgeon. But she can 
be a real bitch.” 
“I think you hit the nail on the head... I’ll be back as soon as I can.” 
He went back inside.  They looked at him.  “The last thing she said to Derek was 
No, I don’t want to get married. He only asked because nothing else seemed to be 
the reason she was mad.  They had been going out a while, maybe she wanted a 
commitment.  That wasn’t the case, at least on the surface.  I think Meredith’s 
main problem and stress is related to her mother.  They had a fight that day 
when she was lucid.  Ellis didn’t want Meredith to have a boyfriend because it 
would hurt her career, make her ordinary... And you know that Ellis hates 
ordinary.  Meredith was in love, and that didn’t make Mom too happy.  She hasn’t 
picked a field.  Mom’s not happy.  It’s the boyfriend’s fault.  Then the 
boyfriend and Mom meet because he’s the head of her case.  He’s not an 
Alzheimer’s specialist.  Why is he the head of her case?  Her daughter asked 
him.  Whoops! Big mistake.  Mom has ways, she figured it out.  He’s the 
boyfriend, everything is his fault and she hates him.” 
“That sounds like Ellis.  Great surgeon, not much of a warm loving parent.” The 
Chief said.  
Addison whispered in Meredith’s ear, “I understand.  Mother’s acceptance is all 
we need.  We want them to be proud of us. We want them to love who we love... 
But sometimes, they don’t.  We can’t do anything about that.  We can just follow 
our hearts. That’s all we can do.” 
“I do want to marry him.  Now he’ll never know it.  And Christina, my best 
friend... She’ll never know how thrilled I am about her and Burke getting 
married.  I know I constantly bore her with my problems, and go on and on about 
my McDreamy and my love life...” 
“She understands.” Bomb Guy said. Then Denny smiled.  “Now this is my favorite 
part... This is where I come in. Meredith Grey, you can tell them yourself in 
just a little while. You needed to be able to think about things and have a 
unbiased third party help you sort through it all. I think, down on earth, 
Addison gave you some good advice. She said that we want our parents approval.  
We want them to like and love who we like and love. We want their approval, and 
for them to be happy for us, but sometimes, it doesn’t work that way, and we 
can’t do anything about it.  All we can do is follow our hearts. You are loved.  
You mean something to a lot of people.  And right now, someone is thinking of a 
cure.  They are acting on it.  It should work in a minute.  Can you do me a 
“Yeah... What?” 
“When you get back, tell Izzy that I love her, and I’m proud of her.  I wouldn’t 
have my money spent any better than her, with the clinic and all.  That’s a 
really great idea.” 
“I’ll tell her. But seriously, I’m gonna wake up?” 
“Yes. And here’s some more advice, I didn’t make it up.  This for you and Derek. 
Tell him. Tell him that the sun and moon rise in his eyes.  Reach out to him.  
Whisper tender words so soft and sweet.  Hold him close to feel his heartbeat.  
Love will be the gift you give yourself.” 
“That’s a Celine Dion song, with Barbra Streisand.  I’ll take the song’s 
“Good, are you ready?” 
“Yes. I’m ready.” 
“Now, go back.  Be safe.” And they both waved her off.  She was starting to feel 
real again.  She light changed, and the temperature. She heard voices.  She 
heard Burke say, “I don’t want to say it, but I think she’s gone... Should we 
call it?” 
Then Bailey said, “No, she has five minutes... Until we have to call it. Maybe 
the meds’ll kick in.” 
Meredith couldn’t give up.  She didn’t want to be really dead.  It was hard, but 
she worked on opening her eyes.  They felt like they’d been frozen shut.  She 
kept working on it. She raised her hand a little, but no one saw it.  She then, 
had an urge to cough, and when she did, she coughed up water, choking.  Someone 
got her to stop choking.  And she heard, “Meredith!” She couldn’t place the 
voice. She opened her eyes and saw them all around and they looked at her, 
relieved. And then, smiling, Bailey said, “Welcome back, Merey.” She brushed 
Meredith’s bangs out of her face. 
“We thought you were dead.” 
“Me too.  I think I was, for a moment...I saw that bomb guy, and Denny... They 
said I was dead.” 
“How is death?” 
“It sucks.  At least, this did.  If I’m to die, I want to do it on a guilt-free 
conscious. I’ve been a real bitch lately. My mom pisses me off.  And I’m mad at 
her, and she’s mad at me, when she can remember me.  And then I take it out on 
people.  Innocent people. Anyhow.. I have too much unfinished business to die 
right now.” 
“Good.  We don’t want you to be dead either. You should talk to Christina 
sometime when you’re up to it.” Burke said. 
“Yeah.  I’ll do that.” She smiled weakly.  Then she shivered. “It’s so damn 
“Well you fell in the lake.  I think it was about thirty degrees when you fell 
in.  You still have hypothermia.” 
“Bomb guy told me I fell in.” 
Addison got her another blanket.  “He also told me what you said... Thanks...” 
“Y-you’re welcome. I don’t want you to die either. It actually doesn’t bother me 
that you’re with Derek... I know he’s happy, and that’s all that matters.  He 
was just existing before he met you. I haven’t seen him so happy in years. I 
just want him to be happy.” 
And Meredith could only say, “Thank you.” and start to cry. 
“Don’t do that.  I’m over it. Here...” She said, hugging her and wiping her eyes 
with a tissue. Everyone was in shock.  When it ended, Addison looked at her.  
“Look, color is starting to come back.” 
“Good.  I don’t want to look like a blue raspberry Icee.” 
“This is good.  Are you up for visitors?” 
“Yes. Send them all in, and then I’ll just need a moment with Derek, and 
Christina, and Izzy.” 
“Ok...” He said.  Everyone else filed out and Meredith saw through the glass 
that all of them looked scared at first that they were going to say she was 
dead.  But then, she saw all of them smile or look relieved.  They all gasped in 
happy shock.  Then all of the interns started to come in.  She laughed a little. 
“Hi.” She said. 
“We thought you were gone.” Izzy had the look in her eye. 
“It seemed so hopeless.  You were all blue.” Alex said. 
“Oh, my God! Meredith, don’t you ever scare me like that again!” Christina went 
to her friend, hugging her, and then, George said, “I’m glad you’re alive, 
Meredith. Izzy was right.  You can, you did get through this.  I think we’ll all 
survive.” He took her had in his and held it for a moment.  “You’re gonna make 
it.” Then, he let her hand go. Then, she saw, through the window that Burke was 
done talking to Derek, and he came in, looking just so relieved that she was 
alive and reasonably well. He went right to her.  “Meredith...” All he could do 
was hug her and kiss her, just glad she was alive.  
“That’s our cue to leave.” Alex said, leading everyone out.  Once they were all 
gone, she turned to him. “Heard you jumped in the lake to save me.” 
“How? You were-“ 
“I was dead...Yes... The Bomb Guy told me.  I know this sounds crazy but he told 
me lots of things. He said that you gave me CPR and Mouth-to-Mouth until 
everyone made you leave.” She smiled. “Thank you for everything. And I’m 
sorry...about before...When I said I didn’t want to get married. I was a bitch, 
and I’m sorry. I do want to get married, I just- my mom thinks that I am 
throwing my life away.  My being in love is a waste of time and talent... I was 
upset, and I was scared... I was caught off guard. But then, I realized that I’m 
not my mother, I’m not Ellis Grey, I’m Meredith Grey. I can be happy and be a 
doctor.  I can be in love and be a doctor. Right?  Who the hell decided that 
doctors can’t be happy in their lives?  Who said that we all have to be serious, 
boring nerds?  I didn’t. I’m not going to be lonely and sad.  I don’t understand 
it.  I just want to be happy and in love.” 
“It’s ok, you know... I’m just relieved and so happy that you’re alive. I know 
I’ve been a jerk sometimes, Mere.  But, I love you. And although I don’t know 
why the hell you’re mad most of the time, always know that I love you, I’ll be 
there, and I want to understand you.” 
“I know that. Sometimes, I just don’t show it...” Then she took his hand and 
whispered to him, “The sun and moon rise in your eyes.” She held his hand closer 
to her. “I love you too, Derek, very much... And I know that if you want to ask 
me sometime, I’m here.  I kinda owe it to you.  You helped save my life. I was 
nasty to you this morning, and I’m sorry. It wasn’t your fault.  And owe you 
because you saved me.” She held him close and felt his heartbeat. “Life’s a 
miracle, isn’t it?” 
“Yes.” He smiled.  “It is.” 
She thought a moment and then took a deep breath, looking into his eyes. “Derek, 
I know we’re in the hospital, and it’s highly inappropriate, but, can we, um...? 
You know...” 
“Are you sure?  You were dead a minute ago.” 
“Sure... But I’m freezing, I’ve been angry for a week, haven’t been much in the 
mood, but now I am.  I know this will warm me up.” She looked into his eyes. 
“Come on, McDreamy.” 
He chuckled a little at the nickname, and then said, “Ok.” 
Sloan leaned into the door because he had heard strange noises coming from the 
room. Everyone else was talking and didn’t notice.  He knew what it sounded 
like.  He looked in the window and then turned back around, laughing.  “I think 
Dead Girl is gonna be alright.” 
Everyone else looked at him, confused. “The Attending and The Intern are 
engaging in sexual activity in that very room.” 
They all tried to crowd to the window, all except Izzy, and George.  They 
already knew how it went.  Everyone was either giggling, chuckling, or gasping.  
Izzy rolled her eyes, “So they have hot sex!  Get used to it.  We have.  Just 
about every night, sometimes more than once.  A little more than a week ago, 
they were doing it and then all of a sudden, all noises stopped and I heard 
whispering.   I think he was needing a drink and decided to go to the bathroom 
while he was up, and she just started laughing for some odd reason... Must be an 
inside joke.  But seriously guys, calm down, leave them alone.” 
“Ok... Ok.. It is funny though.” 


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